Taxes... grrrr The state sucks! Nothin but troubles trying to implement this new sales tax program our computers were upgraded with. Hopefully by tomorrow (July 1st) I'll have these issues resolved but considering it is 3:25, not very likely! Frustrated!!!!
Here are some updated pics of the house. Our appliances have arrived! We have to find someone that can help install the
dishwasher as it is not just a plug-in type thing, need to find that electrically inclined friend or family member... any volunteers? :)
Dad made the sign, it looks really good next to the road.
There are a couple wall issues, so sheetrockers should be out this week to fix those. Basically they forgot to screw down one wall so it looks pregnant and the other wall needs some bondo/fill type work done. We dont really want them tearing out the whole wall, so they'll just fill in the area that is not flat. Not much else happening with the house this week or next until the kitchen island and bathroom counter show up..
Oh we did go out yesterday and look at dining sets and found one that is perfect for our style and likes.. we are excited that we found something we really really like. Well that's how I feel anyways. There is matching couches we could get too and end tables, that might have to wait. It would be nice to get them all at once, but we dont have that money to spend. Considering the living and dining room are one big room, it would be nice to have it match though.... Here's the pic of the set.

Softball this past weekend.. team did pretty good in the 90 degree heat! We (they) didnt hit as well a
s they could have, but it was H.O.T.! Played 5 games total on Saturday, lost the first and last games. Took 3rd out of 12, so that was pretty good. Derek was able to have an injury free day! Yeah!!! Here are some pics taken of him in Moses Lake a couple weeks ago.
Oh, horses... so I went out yesterday to see the horses. Thought it would be nice to hose them down, they love to roll and be frisky (just like the dogs do) after they've been hosed down. Well as I'm hosing down Oakley, I notice his knee is about double the size it is supposed to be! DANG HORSES! Can they just stop playing so hard that they injure eachother.. I've been waiting actually for this day to happen, I knew it was a matter of time for Oakley to get a puncture wound and that is exactly what he has. I hosed him down and put some peroxide in the hole.. yuck! It is a nice size hole, I'm just hoping that I can keep it clean and handle this w/o a vet call. I've dealt with punctures before, but never in the knee and I mean the spot is dead center on his knee. Andrea says I need to be leary of joint damage, so if he is super lame today, she says I need to call the vet... So I'm hoping that when I go out today, he is the same or better than yesterday. I would normally wrap the puncture to help with swelling, but for 1) he would bite and chew the wrapping off his knee, he is just a shit that way! lol and for 2) it would loosen and fall off within minutes since it is a bending joint and no real good way to keep it on especially when he is in a pasture and not in a stall. I did seperate the boys, they are going to have to suffer and spend a week apart! I should keep them seperated constantly, but they really do enjoy being together so much... dilemma. Horses safety vs horses well being....
We have no plans for the 4th yet.. just not sure what to do this year. Wish we were celebrating in our own home. Mom is havin a big BBQ on Saturday, she's got the chore list written for the to-do list on Friday.