Well the fishin has finally died off for Derek & I.. we turned over the boat to Harry and tried fishin off the bank a couple times, yeah I'm not havin any more of that! We walked about 2.5 miles the other day, I dont mind the walking so much, but what a pain in the behind it is.. So I told Derek that I am not fishing w/o the boat anymore, not to mention I totally slipped on the shoreline and fell front body in the muck and was covered in stinkyass dirt while I fished! :)
The horse club had our annual prize ride, which turned out as good as can be expected for a damn rainy day :( Shana & I helped flag the ride on Friday, what an adventure that was... I initially was thinking we were supposed to be there around 9:30am but plans changed Fri morning, and we didnt have to get there til 11am. Well we got there at 11:15 but plans changed again once we got there and we did not end up in the saddle and start riding out to flag the trail until 2:30. I have done the flagging many times before and it is a 5 hour job, so at this point I was a tad bit concerned.... Oakley did pretty well actually, the flags didnt bother him, he did forget his leg cues though and I had to school him multiple times, I guess I need to work him more on that to keep him tuned in to me. He was reluctant to go into the bushes to hang flags, so when we needed to get deep in the bush, I had Shana go in with Edgar, as he'll go anywhere you ask him to. It was great having Shana along to help because I knew I would not be 100% helpful while riding Oakley. BTW, Edgar appears to be back to 100%, YIPPY. I am still being cautious for a while, but I am relieved.
It was dusk, well beyond dusk really, and Shana & I are heading down the trail, Oakley stumbled real bad, went down to his chest, while I'm clinging to his neck trying desperately to stay on, both my calves started to cramp on me just as he recovered and I recovered as well. We got back to the trailers at 7:30 and it was almost dark, 10 minutes later as we unsaddled, it was dark!! I had to turn on the lights to be able to see in the trailer to put our tack away... It was fun though and we enjoyed it.
Got up super early (5:20am) on Saturday and spent the day in registration with Shana's help again, it was just a fun weekend. I'm so glad Shana enjoys doing this with me, I hope/plan to get her out riding Edgar as much as possible when Derek is not wanting to ride. :) Derek is going to try Edgar within the next few weeks and see how he likes riding him so that I can continue to ride Oakley. After 5 hours in the saddle on Friday, I am so happy to report that Oakley's back was not a tad bit sore on Sunday!! Amazing, I thought for sure he'd be sore, so although I still know I am too big for him, I am slightly relieved to know I am not hurting him, well the signs indicate I am not anyways.
The goat is doing well, he is at home, we had to bring the baby kids (Briggs & Stratton) to our house as well because Echo became depressed and stopped eating for 2 days. So now we doctor him in the barn and keep them stalled at night and they run around the backyard during the day. I am thinking by this weekend we can probably take them all back to mom/dads, Echo is healing up well. It may not leave much of a scar afterall, which is amazing for how badly he was injured. I'm really thankful for Andrea, he probably wouldnt be alive if it weren't for her help and guidance.
I've been sad/thinking of Carrie lately. Someone the other day (we'll just call him Mr Butthead) said to me during a random conversation when he discovered I worked in Monroe.. "that's too bad that Carrie's not around anymore for you to go to lunch with her" Yeah, thats too f*ing bad is what I wanted to say.. cuz I miss her only because we cant do lunch together.. he said it so casually that it threw me offguard and then the next thing he says "So hows Rob doing?" So I tell him that I think he is doing alright, I dont really know, I dont talk to him. I said that I let go of my anger towards Rob, the past is the past and I dont hold anything in anymore and mr butthead proceeds to make me feel like the lowest scumbag on the earth for ever being upset with Rob for anything. I left there and just started crying on my drive home.. Who is he to make me feel wrong for how I feel/felt?? So basically he was telling me that it was OK for Rob to treat us the way he did and feel the way he felt, but NOT ok for me to react to that and feel the way I felt. I was upset for 2 days about it, feeling guilty and upset at what a bad person I was. I dont hate Rob, I dont dislike him, it is unfortunate he is not a part of our lives anymore, and I DO honestly only wish him the best but I was very hurt by his actions and I cant apologize or change that. 2 days later I finally talked with Derek about what happened when I talked with (mr butthead) and he made me realize that (mr butthead) was very insensitive and maybe a little out of line. Mr butthead treated me like, oh you're just the sister, it doesnt hurt as much or is not as bad as a husband loosing a wife.. BullShit!! And that's exactly what this book says that I read off/on, that people push aside the feelings of a sibling loss. He never asked how I was doing? Not that I expect it at all, it is awkward sometimes, but if you are going to ask how Rob is doing, dont you think you should ask how I am doing as well?
So because of all that, I've been thinking of Carrie a lot more lately than I have in a while, had a couple meltdowns, but I'm alright. Just some momentary minutes of weakness which is just fine with me, I need them every now and then to bring me back to earth and remind me what life is really all about.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Echo Update
Echo had a visit with Dr Andrea tonight, I dont think he appreciated her help as much as I did ;)
Andrea said the white part we thought was bone was actually tendon. She did see/touch the bone, so it is exposed to the elements and because of that he has to continue with his penicillin shots for another week. Poor guy has multiple hard bumps on his neck from this past weeks shots. So Andrea scrubbed the area and pulled all the scabs off, cut the flap off and made it bleed like a sonofagun!
So he should be okay at this point, and most likely is Out of the Woods. I still have him confined and he will stay that way for atleast another week or two. He is putting about 85-90% weight on it now.
So my coworker Greg got laid off yesterday :( My boss Scott is Greg's brother and we lost a big customer and things have been a little slower the last 6 months, so it was not too much of a shocker, but a bummer for sure. Greg makes the days so much funner, maybe he'll be able to come back in the near future. I was assured today by Scott that I dont have anything to worry about, although I may have to start doing some packaging and shipping. I guess it cant hurt to stay busier for myself at work.
Andrea said the white part we thought was bone was actually tendon. She did see/touch the bone, so it is exposed to the elements and because of that he has to continue with his penicillin shots for another week. Poor guy has multiple hard bumps on his neck from this past weeks shots. So Andrea scrubbed the area and pulled all the scabs off, cut the flap off and made it bleed like a sonofagun!
So he should be okay at this point, and most likely is Out of the Woods. I still have him confined and he will stay that way for atleast another week or two. He is putting about 85-90% weight on it now.
So my coworker Greg got laid off yesterday :( My boss Scott is Greg's brother and we lost a big customer and things have been a little slower the last 6 months, so it was not too much of a shocker, but a bummer for sure. Greg makes the days so much funner, maybe he'll be able to come back in the near future. I was assured today by Scott that I dont have anything to worry about, although I may have to start doing some packaging and shipping. I guess it cant hurt to stay busier for myself at work.
Monday, September 14, 2009
*** Graphic Image Alert *** Graphic Image Alert ***
Well Echo is still alive! He is doing really well as far as I can tell. His leg is still pretty nasty, the skin flappy is starting to shrivel up and is exposing the huge hole that is left behind, we got some pics of it. The white that you see in the pics in the middle of the wound, yeah that's his bone! I need to talk with Andrea tonight and find out what to do from here, his spirits are good, but I dont know at what point I could/should turn him back out to pasture. I'm worried about him getting dirt in that hole, at what point will he produce new skin to cover the bone? He started putting a tiny bit of weight on it finally...
So we thought after Friday's great catch, we would be done fishin for the year, so we took our boat to Harry on Saturday, who is going to build a custom duck blind on the boat for Derek. Saturday night we decide to fish on Sunday, we got up at 5am!!! yeah that is damn early. :) We thought if we got to the river at 6am, we'd beat out the majority of fishermen and find good spots to fish.. Oh NO. We were too late at 6:10am! So we drove out to the tressle and decided to fish off the dike, there was only one vehicle there, amazing! We didnt have to fight for a spot, but we did have to walk our asses a long ways to get where we needed to fish carting along fishing poles, coolers, cushion to sit on, fishnet, tacklebox... And it was an 80+ degree day.
So we are fishin, the 3 of us (Tyler was along too). There were 3 mexicans there when we got to the river, they appeared to have pretty good spots on the rocks, so we went way down river to avoid crowding in on them. We had somewhat crappy spots in this mucky slick area, but it worked. We start catching fish... Next thing we see, this mexican is at our spot staring at us, didnt say a word. We all were thinking "Ok, whats this guy doing?" So Tyler and Derek had walked down into the slimy area and there is lots of beach for this guy to go on, but when he realizes he will slip and sink in the slime and ruin his shoes, he decides not to walk down there. Tyler is to the right 10 feet from me in the slime, I am on a grassy patch and then Derek is about 10 feet to the left of me in the slime. We had a good thing going. So I cast out straight ahead and this guy has the nerve to stand in a grass patch 5 feet to my left with Derek only another 5 feet over from that and he casts out! Well this guy doesnt know how to cast and his line goes at a 45 degree angle towards Tyler, he is completely OVER my line! I'm just sitting there feeling very awkward. Tyler looks at the guy and says "There's a whole f*cking river to fish dude" or something like that. I reel in real quick to avoid this guy messing up my line. I'm thinking, okay he clearly sees he is overcrowding our already tight situation and he'll leave. So I hold my pole/line out of the water as he reels in. After he reeled in, he cast out AGAIN! same crooked throw almost crossing Tyler's line at this point. So I'm sitting there twiddling my thumbs, Tyler looks at me and says "Can you fish?" So I say, Uh No! I wanted to whip the guy with my pole, it was just plain rude and disrespectful what he was doing. Tyler just starred at him until he finally left, apparently Derek was a few seconds from throwing the guy in the river. Not to mention, he was using illegal hooks on his line! He and his buddies saw us catching fish and apparently even though fish were jumping ALL over that river section, they must have thought you had to be in our spot to catch 'em. He left but he came back many times and stood behind us with his friend or by himself, you could see that he wanted to fish right there on top of us but it seemed like maybe he was trying to weigh out his chances on getting his ASS kicked! It was just interesting.
We left that spot a while later when the fishin died off and found another spot off the river road in Snohomish.. Only came home with 6 fish between the 3 of us, we let a lot of fish go while in the slough, the fishin was so good there early on so we just kept the ones that appeared fresher.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Great Fishin!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I HATE cats!!
I am debating a few things...
1) just shoot the cats!
2) tell the neighbor to take care of these 1/2 wild things before I do!
3) trap the cats and take them to the pound
They are pissing on our things on the deck, and it is PISSING me off!! It is absolutely disgusting to go out there to grab a pair of rain pants that were drying on the railing after washing them and now they are ruined because a cat had to back it's ass up to them and pee on them. There goes $25 down the drain.
The problem is the neighbor, they just let their cats run wild and breed like rabbits. I think I'm going to have to say something to them about it... The cats are invading my porch, my barn, my yard....
1) just shoot the cats!
2) tell the neighbor to take care of these 1/2 wild things before I do!
3) trap the cats and take them to the pound
They are pissing on our things on the deck, and it is PISSING me off!! It is absolutely disgusting to go out there to grab a pair of rain pants that were drying on the railing after washing them and now they are ruined because a cat had to back it's ass up to them and pee on them. There goes $25 down the drain.
The problem is the neighbor, they just let their cats run wild and breed like rabbits. I think I'm going to have to say something to them about it... The cats are invading my porch, my barn, my yard....
Goat Down.. Goat Down..
I found Echo hiding out under the barn yesterday and from where I stood, it appeared he had something sticking out of his leg, I panicked thinking he had a broken leg as he was not putting any weight on it and he wouldnt come out to me. I phoned Derek and told him we might need to shoot the poor guy :(
I pursueded him to come out with treats and realized what was sticking out was a big flappy of skin, he had cut his leg up real bad and part of his bone was exposed. By this time I had already phoned Andrea and after getting him into my horse trailer (a dry and fairly clean environment) I finally got Andrea on the phone to find out what to do next. I love my goat, but I just am not willing to pump a bunch of money into him like we did with Troy.
So we headed to Dels to buy some supplies, betadine, furizone, needles, syringes, tetnus shot, penicilin. I know I misspelled some of those words! :) Got home and cleaned it the best we could, its tough to try to scrub an area that you know hurts like hell and he was gettin pretty pissed. It had been there for atleast 24 if not 36 hours, there was no sign of blood really, it was VERY dirty though and I did not get it all out. Andrea told me to cut the flappy skin off, maybe another day! He was too irritated last night.
The good news, his spirits seem pretty good, he is eating and drinking, pooping and peeing. ;) He is living in my horse trailer for now and will stay there until he is all better, so the ride I was supposed to do tomorrow... well I told the ladies they would have to pick me up or I couldnt go. The baby kids are really upset that their big buddy is missing and they just cry and cry for him.
I really hope Echo makes it, I will try my hardest to doctor it myself and wish for the best. I was initially worried that Oakley stepped on Echo and did this to him, but his leg is cut so badly and scraped on the inside too, that it is hard to believe a horse did this. The goats have found a way under the big barn and who knows what crap is under that barn he might have gotten stuck in.. I know I'm not climbing under there to look! The old barn has a concrete runner down the whole length on one side and I was told that it was there to be filled up with animal bones from butchering etc... so I am pretty sure there are still bones under that barn.
I pursueded him to come out with treats and realized what was sticking out was a big flappy of skin, he had cut his leg up real bad and part of his bone was exposed. By this time I had already phoned Andrea and after getting him into my horse trailer (a dry and fairly clean environment) I finally got Andrea on the phone to find out what to do next. I love my goat, but I just am not willing to pump a bunch of money into him like we did with Troy.
So we headed to Dels to buy some supplies, betadine, furizone, needles, syringes, tetnus shot, penicilin. I know I misspelled some of those words! :) Got home and cleaned it the best we could, its tough to try to scrub an area that you know hurts like hell and he was gettin pretty pissed. It had been there for atleast 24 if not 36 hours, there was no sign of blood really, it was VERY dirty though and I did not get it all out. Andrea told me to cut the flappy skin off, maybe another day! He was too irritated last night.
The good news, his spirits seem pretty good, he is eating and drinking, pooping and peeing. ;) He is living in my horse trailer for now and will stay there until he is all better, so the ride I was supposed to do tomorrow... well I told the ladies they would have to pick me up or I couldnt go. The baby kids are really upset that their big buddy is missing and they just cry and cry for him.
I really hope Echo makes it, I will try my hardest to doctor it myself and wish for the best. I was initially worried that Oakley stepped on Echo and did this to him, but his leg is cut so badly and scraped on the inside too, that it is hard to believe a horse did this. The goats have found a way under the big barn and who knows what crap is under that barn he might have gotten stuck in.. I know I'm not climbing under there to look! The old barn has a concrete runner down the whole length on one side and I was told that it was there to be filled up with animal bones from butchering etc... so I am pretty sure there are still bones under that barn.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Back That ____ Up! :)
See Derek and I have this routine with the boat. When we go fishin, he backs the boat into the water, I grab the boat line and wait for him to park the truck/trailer and then he jumps in, after he is settled, I push us off the shore and jump in. When we are finished for the day, he hands me the keys, I get the truck/trailer and back them into the water while he drives the boat up on the trailer and I drive us up out of the water.
I think it's awesome when I show up to back the trailer down the boat ramp, makes me feel pretty good to do so well in front of all these burly manly men! :) Well yesterday we are in line waiting to launch our boat and met a couple guys in front of us and then one behind us, it was a long wait, atleast 30 minutes. So anyways, when it came time to launch the boat, because it was soooo busy and packed in with boats, there was no room on the shore to hold the boat, so Derek wanted me to back the boat in the water with him already in it and when he hit the water, he'd just motor out and wait for me to park and come back to the shore to pick me up.
So the guy in front of me gets his boat launched and I back down the ramp. As I'm backing, my window is down and to the drivers side of me, I hear a guy say "Wow, I've never seen that before" Now my ego is feeling pretty good and I'm thinking to myself, he MUST be talking about me!! lol... Sure enough, I turn my head his direction and he looks at me and says again, "I've never seen a woman launch a boat, this is a first!" So I'm feeling all good and tingly inside, I am a fantastic backer if you didnt already know! lol
Then as I'm down with the trailer in the water, I look to my left and there is a lady looking at me and she says "I am damn proud of you girl!" I was like, woohoo what a great day! So I pull out of the ramp, head up the road, turn around and come back down to park the truck/trailer. Well the guy that was in front of me, he parks on the downhill, but I see a spot real close to the ramp, so I drive past him (he didnt notice) and park closer to the ramp. As I'm walking down to the boat, he runs up behind me and says "Now how did you get ahead of me?" I said "Well I guess I'm just a better driver!!" LOL I was laughing, he kinda chuckles and says, "No lets not say better, maybe just smarter". I didnt argue...
Derek said as I was backing down the ramp to launch the boat, he was in the boat and he said lots of the guys were complimenting my skills/abilities as a woman. It just feels good to impress and get compliments from strangers :) I told Derek I am a 75% package, if I was skinny I'd be a complete total package. hehehe Apparently (according to Derek) he is a 98% package!
It was such a great 3 day weekend, spending a lot of great time with Derek. We spent 2 days in the pouring ass rain and had a great time doing it, just enjoying our hobby and eachother. We ride in the rain and sun, we fish in the rain and sun, we camp in the rain and sun...
It reminds me that no matter the weather, just get out and enjoy life!!!!
I think it's awesome when I show up to back the trailer down the boat ramp, makes me feel pretty good to do so well in front of all these burly manly men! :) Well yesterday we are in line waiting to launch our boat and met a couple guys in front of us and then one behind us, it was a long wait, atleast 30 minutes. So anyways, when it came time to launch the boat, because it was soooo busy and packed in with boats, there was no room on the shore to hold the boat, so Derek wanted me to back the boat in the water with him already in it and when he hit the water, he'd just motor out and wait for me to park and come back to the shore to pick me up.
So the guy in front of me gets his boat launched and I back down the ramp. As I'm backing, my window is down and to the drivers side of me, I hear a guy say "Wow, I've never seen that before" Now my ego is feeling pretty good and I'm thinking to myself, he MUST be talking about me!! lol... Sure enough, I turn my head his direction and he looks at me and says again, "I've never seen a woman launch a boat, this is a first!" So I'm feeling all good and tingly inside, I am a fantastic backer if you didnt already know! lol
Then as I'm down with the trailer in the water, I look to my left and there is a lady looking at me and she says "I am damn proud of you girl!" I was like, woohoo what a great day! So I pull out of the ramp, head up the road, turn around and come back down to park the truck/trailer. Well the guy that was in front of me, he parks on the downhill, but I see a spot real close to the ramp, so I drive past him (he didnt notice) and park closer to the ramp. As I'm walking down to the boat, he runs up behind me and says "Now how did you get ahead of me?" I said "Well I guess I'm just a better driver!!" LOL I was laughing, he kinda chuckles and says, "No lets not say better, maybe just smarter". I didnt argue...
Derek said as I was backing down the ramp to launch the boat, he was in the boat and he said lots of the guys were complimenting my skills/abilities as a woman. It just feels good to impress and get compliments from strangers :) I told Derek I am a 75% package, if I was skinny I'd be a complete total package. hehehe Apparently (according to Derek) he is a 98% package!
It was such a great 3 day weekend, spending a lot of great time with Derek. We spent 2 days in the pouring ass rain and had a great time doing it, just enjoying our hobby and eachother. We ride in the rain and sun, we fish in the rain and sun, we camp in the rain and sun...
It reminds me that no matter the weather, just get out and enjoy life!!!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
2 Limits in 2 Hours
We went back to our favorite spot and within 30-40 minutes I had caught 3 fish, Derek zero.. He got the 4th fish, I think I got the 5th, then he caught the 6th.. by this time the fish are practically jumping in the boat!! They were rolling and jumping like crazy, it was insane. It was dusk and we commented we needed to get our next 2 fish real quick so we could get out of the water before dark and head home.. Derek got one on right then, but lost it, a few minutes later I had one on, got him in the boat and recast and BAM I had the last fish on the line. I do feel a little bad that I caught 6 tonight and Derek only got 2, but we had a blast all the same.
I counted and in 3 days of fishin, we caught 20 fish!
Here are some pics I finally took of tonights catches. Derek is holding the 2 biggest fish we caught, not sure who caught them, I think I caught atleast one of the big ones.. Then the fish before cleaning and after cleaning. Oh and I had to get a pic of all the fish eggs we collected in 3 days, there is a guy we met tonight at the river launch that is going to take the eggs..
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Who Stabs Themself in the Back of the Hand?
I do!! ;(
I was clearing out the dishwasher on Thurs (had the day off) so I was home alone and our new filet knife, you know the VERY sharp one that we just got from Cutco, well I was trying to retract the blade and it just wouldnt budge so I was being pretty dumb and in the midst of my lack of judgement I guess, I actually stabbled the back of my hand between my knuckles, its a very soft area apparently! I'd say my cut was 1/2 inch wide and it was just pumping out blood at a very fast rate.. I was a bit concerned that I cut some sort of artery (I know, there are no main arteries in your hands) but in the moment and with all the blood, I was close to hyperventillating and/or panicking. I put a papertowel on it and finally it slowed enough to put a bandage on it. What a dumbass I am! I mean, who does that...
I told Derek that maybe some day I might actually want to start hunting for duck, maybe other hunting as well, I'm migrating that direction I guess but I'm scared to death that my clumsiness will interfere particularly while dealing with a shotgun! I know how to shoot the darn thing and am smart enough to know how to properly handle it, but what if I did a dumb thing?? Hmmmm... will have to think long and hard before I venture into hunting, which wouldnt be anytime this year anyways.
I got in a nice ride on Oakley on Friday, he is doing pretty well. I am thinking maybe this next year if Derek agrees, I can ride Oakley and he can ride Edgar, this would give me the time to put the miles on Oakley that he needs in order to be the best trailhorse he can be.
Saturday mid morning we headed to town with the boat, but we realized (after we were all the way in town) that we forgot the fish cooler, not too big a deal, but we also forgot the stringer which IS a big deal.. dammit, had to make a trip back home to grab that, how can we catch our limit if we have no cooler or stringer to put the fish in, they'd just be floppin around in the bottom of the boat otherwise! lol
I think we finally got on the water at about noon, headed down river a little ways, found a great hole and after about 90 minutes, the fish finally started biting. They were rolling all over the river, it is funny when fish are jumpin 4-5' from the boat. Derek caught 2, then a guy on the shore offered us one so we took it (no sense wasting fish!) and over the next hour or so, Derek caught 2 more and I caught 3, so we left the river with our limits of 4 each. It was actually nice to get off the river in the daylight! :) After we cleaned the 8 fish, we headed out the door to the Scherrer's Ranch to spend some time with friends watching a band play live music at the lake.. Stayed 3 hours then went back home to rest up for an early morning rise with another round of fishin..
Well when we walked in the door, life cant just be simple.. No we dont come home to 2 well behaved dogs, we come home to one great dog (Russell) and one stinker (Scout) who decided that she liked the smell of the fresh fish on the vaccum food sealer and proceeded to jump on the counter at her leisure and chewed on the sealing foam, chewed up the plastic piece that actually did the vaccuming, basically she ruined the sealer.. the sealer was a piece of crap anyways, it did NOT do it's job very well anyways, it oversealed burning holes in the sealed edges!
Sunday morning we woke up early, headed to Freddy's and bought a brand new Sealer, some breakfast, a couple fishing lures (had to replace the 2 we gave to a guy on the shore who needed all the help we could provide!) and then headed to the river. The weather seemed cooperative, we were optimistic we might have a nice morning and for the first couple hours, it was not bad. A little rain, put the ponchos on, but then the sun came out.. Well we (okay I) caught 3 fish!! Poor Derek had zero fishies at this point, we get back to our favorite spot and it just starts POURING.. not just raining, it was plain dumping on us! The guy we had given lures to the day before, he was on the shore again and informs us that he did NOT catch anything the day before.. so about 15 minutes into fishing the spot, Derek hooks into the biggest fish of the day.. the guy on the shore is saying, yelling (OH NO YOU DIDNT!) (I CANT BELIEVE THIS!) We are chuckling... it rained so hard, we were drenched and the boat was fillin up with water, I scooped a few gallons out and when we finally decided to call it quits and head to the shore to give our new friend a fish to take home to his wife, he was gone. I dont blame him, the rain was nasty.
Oh and did I Forget to tell you that when we dropped the boat in the water this morning, Derek heads up the ramp to park the truck, I'm just hanging out, just me and the boat... I look in the boat and see that the battery is almost underwater, the tackle box is floating! :) Derek forgot to put the plugs in the boat!! We got it all under control.. just an interesting way to start the day, but we left with 4 fish, so not dissappointing at all. I'm thinkin we might just have to make it out tomorrow.
It is Labor Day tommorrow (Derek has to work) and if its not raining in the morning, I'll be going riding and then when I get home, the hope is that the rain is away long enough to get our boat in the water when Derek gets off work and work on limiting out again!!! :) I LOVE this fishin business.. We've been givin fish away to friends/family, we've got plenty to share.
I was clearing out the dishwasher on Thurs (had the day off) so I was home alone and our new filet knife, you know the VERY sharp one that we just got from Cutco, well I was trying to retract the blade and it just wouldnt budge so I was being pretty dumb and in the midst of my lack of judgement I guess, I actually stabbled the back of my hand between my knuckles, its a very soft area apparently! I'd say my cut was 1/2 inch wide and it was just pumping out blood at a very fast rate.. I was a bit concerned that I cut some sort of artery (I know, there are no main arteries in your hands) but in the moment and with all the blood, I was close to hyperventillating and/or panicking. I put a papertowel on it and finally it slowed enough to put a bandage on it. What a dumbass I am! I mean, who does that...
I told Derek that maybe some day I might actually want to start hunting for duck, maybe other hunting as well, I'm migrating that direction I guess but I'm scared to death that my clumsiness will interfere particularly while dealing with a shotgun! I know how to shoot the darn thing and am smart enough to know how to properly handle it, but what if I did a dumb thing?? Hmmmm... will have to think long and hard before I venture into hunting, which wouldnt be anytime this year anyways.
I got in a nice ride on Oakley on Friday, he is doing pretty well. I am thinking maybe this next year if Derek agrees, I can ride Oakley and he can ride Edgar, this would give me the time to put the miles on Oakley that he needs in order to be the best trailhorse he can be.
Saturday mid morning we headed to town with the boat, but we realized (after we were all the way in town) that we forgot the fish cooler, not too big a deal, but we also forgot the stringer which IS a big deal.. dammit, had to make a trip back home to grab that, how can we catch our limit if we have no cooler or stringer to put the fish in, they'd just be floppin around in the bottom of the boat otherwise! lol
I think we finally got on the water at about noon, headed down river a little ways, found a great hole and after about 90 minutes, the fish finally started biting. They were rolling all over the river, it is funny when fish are jumpin 4-5' from the boat. Derek caught 2, then a guy on the shore offered us one so we took it (no sense wasting fish!) and over the next hour or so, Derek caught 2 more and I caught 3, so we left the river with our limits of 4 each. It was actually nice to get off the river in the daylight! :) After we cleaned the 8 fish, we headed out the door to the Scherrer's Ranch to spend some time with friends watching a band play live music at the lake.. Stayed 3 hours then went back home to rest up for an early morning rise with another round of fishin..
Well when we walked in the door, life cant just be simple.. No we dont come home to 2 well behaved dogs, we come home to one great dog (Russell) and one stinker (Scout) who decided that she liked the smell of the fresh fish on the vaccum food sealer and proceeded to jump on the counter at her leisure and chewed on the sealing foam, chewed up the plastic piece that actually did the vaccuming, basically she ruined the sealer.. the sealer was a piece of crap anyways, it did NOT do it's job very well anyways, it oversealed burning holes in the sealed edges!
Sunday morning we woke up early, headed to Freddy's and bought a brand new Sealer, some breakfast, a couple fishing lures (had to replace the 2 we gave to a guy on the shore who needed all the help we could provide!) and then headed to the river. The weather seemed cooperative, we were optimistic we might have a nice morning and for the first couple hours, it was not bad. A little rain, put the ponchos on, but then the sun came out.. Well we (okay I) caught 3 fish!! Poor Derek had zero fishies at this point, we get back to our favorite spot and it just starts POURING.. not just raining, it was plain dumping on us! The guy we had given lures to the day before, he was on the shore again and informs us that he did NOT catch anything the day before.. so about 15 minutes into fishing the spot, Derek hooks into the biggest fish of the day.. the guy on the shore is saying, yelling (OH NO YOU DIDNT!) (I CANT BELIEVE THIS!) We are chuckling... it rained so hard, we were drenched and the boat was fillin up with water, I scooped a few gallons out and when we finally decided to call it quits and head to the shore to give our new friend a fish to take home to his wife, he was gone. I dont blame him, the rain was nasty.
Oh and did I Forget to tell you that when we dropped the boat in the water this morning, Derek heads up the ramp to park the truck, I'm just hanging out, just me and the boat... I look in the boat and see that the battery is almost underwater, the tackle box is floating! :) Derek forgot to put the plugs in the boat!! We got it all under control.. just an interesting way to start the day, but we left with 4 fish, so not dissappointing at all. I'm thinkin we might just have to make it out tomorrow.
It is Labor Day tommorrow (Derek has to work) and if its not raining in the morning, I'll be going riding and then when I get home, the hope is that the rain is away long enough to get our boat in the water when Derek gets off work and work on limiting out again!!! :) I LOVE this fishin business.. We've been givin fish away to friends/family, we've got plenty to share.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Annual Weekend of Hay is Finally over..
well almost over! :) Thursday we picked up my friends flatbed trailer (Thanks Amber & Jerod!!) Friday we drove to Spokane after work, had dinner with Dereks nephews Rick & Rob and their wives, Saturday Derek golfed while I spent it with Toni, Saturday night we went to the car races to watch Darryl race, Sunday morning we loaded up hay, Sunday ALL day we drove home (due to a 20+ mile 4 hour car accident on I90), got home at 10pm, worked Monday, unloaded 5 tons of hay into the barn after work on Monday, Derek had to go BACK to work after he unloaded the hay, and then tonight we are driving the trailer back up to Anacortes... So MAYBE tomorrow evening we can just go straight home after work and not have to do this or do that, we can just plop our asses on the couch, maybe cook a homecooked meal for the first time in over a week and just relax! :)
The trip with our hay this year was a little hairy! We had a nice flatbed trailer that easily handled the 5 tons of hay, however we discovered it's not exactly the best type of trailer to use for hay, the way it was set up it put a lot of tongue weight on our truck which had us in a V shape driving home, PLUS we realized AFTER we were on the road, that we probably had our truck overloaded by about 3,000 pounds and the weight was also over the ball/hitch rating!! AND our hay was loaded a hair crooked.. Lets just say with all this going on, it was a tense, stressful, sometimes arguing, LONG drive home! BUT the good news, we made it home safely, Derek & I are still talking to eachother, no flat tires, no loss of hay, nothing caught on fire, the hay is in the barn safe and sound (thanks to the help of Ted on that by the way, oh and my dads Awesome Supervisory Skills!) lol
I am hoping now that this is all done and finally taken care of until next year, my stomach will go back to normal, I think it was overstressed, I always hate having to haul hay across the state. Next year we might just take our small trailer and make 2 trips, ease up the load a little. It's really hard to not go all the way to Spokane to get hay, when I'm getting it at $65/ton! Its just plain worth the drive and hassle unfortunately...
The only bad thing about this trip is that I picked up the last of this type of hay from the farmer, so unfortunately as we unloaded it into the barn, we found 7 bales with a layer of slight mold on them, so I'm listing those bales on CL as Cow Hay. I could scrape the bales and I'm sure they'd be fine, it's just a bummer cuz 7 bales is almost 1/2 a ton, thats a lot of hay to have to give up but I think I have 1-2 tons more than I really needed anyways :(
The trip with our hay this year was a little hairy! We had a nice flatbed trailer that easily handled the 5 tons of hay, however we discovered it's not exactly the best type of trailer to use for hay, the way it was set up it put a lot of tongue weight on our truck which had us in a V shape driving home, PLUS we realized AFTER we were on the road, that we probably had our truck overloaded by about 3,000 pounds and the weight was also over the ball/hitch rating!! AND our hay was loaded a hair crooked.. Lets just say with all this going on, it was a tense, stressful, sometimes arguing, LONG drive home! BUT the good news, we made it home safely, Derek & I are still talking to eachother, no flat tires, no loss of hay, nothing caught on fire, the hay is in the barn safe and sound (thanks to the help of Ted on that by the way, oh and my dads Awesome Supervisory Skills!) lol
I am hoping now that this is all done and finally taken care of until next year, my stomach will go back to normal, I think it was overstressed, I always hate having to haul hay across the state. Next year we might just take our small trailer and make 2 trips, ease up the load a little. It's really hard to not go all the way to Spokane to get hay, when I'm getting it at $65/ton! Its just plain worth the drive and hassle unfortunately...
The only bad thing about this trip is that I picked up the last of this type of hay from the farmer, so unfortunately as we unloaded it into the barn, we found 7 bales with a layer of slight mold on them, so I'm listing those bales on CL as Cow Hay. I could scrape the bales and I'm sure they'd be fine, it's just a bummer cuz 7 bales is almost 1/2 a ton, thats a lot of hay to have to give up but I think I have 1-2 tons more than I really needed anyways :(
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