The most exciting thing happening to me lately is that I went to Les Schwab yesterday to have our brakes checked and an hour later they told me they could not get a few lugnuts off the wheels! Apparently whomever put the last set of tires on the red truck (before we bought it) torked them so tightly that I now have to pay Les Schwab to get them off! Some of the nuts are now stripped so if I get a flat in the meantime, I'm screwed! ;) Pretty sad that that is the most interesting thing going on lately...
The house does not feel as empty and quiet as it did a week ago, but our hearts are still missing Scout every day and the character she brought to our lives. Russell still sniffs me up/down every day when I walk in the door so I believe he is still looking for her. We have been spoiling him to no end to help him adjust and not feel so sad. There was a while there where he was pretty depressed and showed little enthusiasm even for his ball, which if you know Russell, that thing is like doggy crack! There is no question, he now sleeps in the bed nightly, he goes with us to run errands whenever possible, he gets to go out in the big kid pasture every morning and evening to explore and eat horsey turds, and he gets to play a lot more ball now than he did before. So the ball has once again become the crack it used to be!!! When Scout was around we didnt play as much with him and the ball because he got a lot of excersize running around the house with her, but now that it's just him, we make sure (okay I should say he makes sure) we play ball every day! :)
Although I swore off projects for the short-term, I've decided to take on a new project! I can hardly believe it myself, but I really enjoyed the sewing wall quilt I made so I am now attempting a blanket and will definately post pics when it is finished. I have 4 fabrics I will cut into 4" squares. I sat down on the computer last night and designed my pattern so I would know how many squares to cut for each color.. I am adding some character to it by making it not quite symetrical.. is that the correct term?? basically the pattern is slightly random, but slightly similar.. very hard to explain but I'm excited that I came up with it on my own. See 2 colors will have 32 squares each, one will only have 27 and then the 4th color will only have 9 squares on the blanket.. I need to really get going on it so I can get it done in time.. lol that sounds a whole lot familiar! It HAS to be done by the 28th of this month, so I guess I have 2 weeks.
Derek and I both have switched over to basically a water-only based beverage intake! :) Every now/then we may throw in a little juice or flavored water, but I am trying really hard to only comsume water and I'm happy that Derek is as well. It will save on the cost of all that soda and it is so much better for us. Since the 1st, I've had maybe the equivilant of 1 soda and even when I drank a few gulps last weekend, I started to feel like it tasted kinda gross..
When I eat something I know I shouldnt, instead of just feeling guilty about it, I now feel gross/icky inside which I think will help me curb my appetite for the wrong foods. In the past I would eat the bad shit, love it and then felt guilty but that didnt help in the long run to keep me from eating it. But if I eat it and minutes later feel like I want to ralph it up cuz its sitting nasty on my tummy, well that feeling will help me to rethink my eating habits...
Shannon has started working Oakley on barrels this month, she has now taken over the training and selling of Oakley.. things just moved this direction which is how we had hoped it would go. She has the experience, knowledge, clients and ability to get him where he needs to be. She is confident in that he will sell when she feels he is ready to be marketed. I have pulled his ads offline and allowing her free reign on this deal. We made her an offer that should make it well worth her time to put into him. In the meantime Edgar has been hanging out just being a horse lately. I've ridden once in the past 2.5 months, I am itchen to go ride Red and for Derek and I to get back in the swing of things on our horses.
He's been pretty busy working out in the shop lately, he's working on an old 1938 panel truck that has been consuming his nights after work and atleast 1 day each weekend. He is very proud (as he should be!) of his work and its nice to see his hard work pay off every now/then! :) I think there are still a couple more weeks of work to be done for this phase anyways.
I still have a job and Derek still has a job... life is still on track! Wishin the track I was on put me in a luxury train suite instead of the caboose, but I guess we each pick our own track and follow it where it leads us.... ;)