Yep, Willie is gonna be in school for another month! I had hoped it wouldnt work out this way, but he needs more life lessons and in the long run, Shannon can get so much more done and quicker than I can. I am thinking in another week I will start going out and riding him as well while he is in training. He should be going out on his first trail ride this week, I'm anxious to hear how that goes.
I continue to second guess my decision to buy him, a little dissappointed I spent so much on him when he turned out to need so much more than I had hoped, but I still have a glimmer of hope left in me that it will work out in the end. And Shannon keeps reassuring me what a great horse he is and how nice he really is... Its just tough hearing and seeing the negative and not being able to see his progress like she does. I brought him home the other day for a couple hours so the horseshoers could put new shoes on him.. he was an ass!! He wouldnt stand still or hold his foot up, kept pulling it away. He got spanked a lot, but as he has proven so far, once he gets a serious spanking, he behaves much better! The shoers even noticed that... And I have to remind myself its been not even 3 weeks so far and much of his BS is nothing too serious. Patience is the key thing I think he needs to learn right now.
Oh and just for the record, I officially have changed the way I spell his name as of 5 minutes ago! I decided that Willie seems like a slightly cooler way to spell it.. lol
A couple weeks ago I borrowed my friend Molly's draft horse Dozer, we hauled him and Oakley out to Shannons and her son Klay took us on a trailride behind their house. We had a good time. Dozer has a lot of forward movement and I held him back most of the ride, to keep him off Oakley's heals.. I paid for that mistake that night as I woke up in the middle of the night hardly able to move my arms they hurt so badly! :)
We've been pretty busy on the weekends.. that same weekend we rode, the day before we did a work party up in Arlington, along with about 40+ other people. We helped build some gravel bridges. I always enjoy doing what I can with trail work. Although my back doesnt hold up so well, I do the best I can and always leave feeling really good about being so involved. Cant wait to get up and ride this new trail that we helped establish.
This past weekend was Derek's birthday weekend.. again a pretty busy one with amazing weather! :) I think Spring is here to stay... I had taken Friday and Monday off work, we had originally planned to go camping that weekend, but without my horse, opted not to go. Friday started off with us buying 2 new goats!!
Meet Splish & Splash

They are 1yr old Nigerian Dwarfs, just like our other kids. Its been about a week now and they are all getting along pretty well together, the new boys fit in well and add a little color to our herd. We've been wanting to get a couple more for some time and I found these guys about 20 minutes from our house on CL.
We had planned to ride again this past weekend, but it seems Oakley has injured himself, darnit! He either injured his hamstrings or his groin muscles.. not sure which, I just know the base of his butt cheeks is swollen and warm to touch so he gets massaged and hosed almost daily. I'm not spending the money for a vet, just gonna watch him and work it out on our own.. He most likely did it when turned out on pasture as he ran his little heart out!! My bad.. I dont think the recovery time will be too long and I think he will be okay with some light easy arena riding for now and work back up to trails.
We started the much dreaded garage project this past weekend as well. It was getting ridiculous, the path to walk through was getting smaller and smaller by the minute! Derek (with my assistance) built a really great shelf and then a fishing pole holder and a couple other small shelves. It is nowhere near done yet, still have organizing to do, but now we have some place to start. I cant wait to get it done! :)
This is the pole holder that Derek came up with

On Derek's birthday we got to go to the new Cabela's that was not open yet to the public! My brother knows an employee there so we got in on the family/friends night. I had no idea it was going to be that busy!! OMG it was ridiculous. We spent almost 3 hours in the store and not because there was so much to look at.. almost an hour of that was just waiting in line to check out, 45 minutes spent just trying to make your way through the crowd to get from one area to another and maybe 45 minutes actually looking at products! We bought a few things, Derek had some gift certificates to spend.. I think I'll wait til the novelty of it all dies down before I attempt to go back to that store!
And I have to throw in this picture of Cooper.. quite the character. When I go potty, I use the spare bathroom typcially and he always follows me in. And when he comes in, he always jumps in the bathtub and sometimes will lick the faucet or bite at it, trying to get water to come out, sometimes he will just sit and stare at the faucet. Well this day, he did a new thing and he just layed down in there.. He was content to just hang out in the tub while I was doing my business and I had to get a picture. :)