This past weekend we found a riding horse, I plan to deliver him to my friend on Saturday. Hopefully he works out well for Amber! :) Derek's been getting out hunting a lot, but not a lot of birds so Cooper is not getting as much experience as we had hoped. He still loves to get out though and really seems to enjoy upland hunting! Derek & Lance headed over to Eastern WA a few weeks ago and although they didnt find anything but frozen ponds and frozen lines in our camper, Cooper did flush a female pheasant (unshootable) and they had a good time.
All is quiet still out in the barn, so I am happy! I've had no thoughts of selling Willie and look forward to riding him again. I am contemplating having his testosterone levels tested though.. due to his behavior towards others horses and because he poops in 2 places in his paddock which could be a stallion type behavior. I'm not convinced he was gelded wrong, but I'm not convinced he was done correctly either.. I'm overly paranoid now about it since the last 2 geldings I've owned have not been gelded properly. Might help explain some things with Willie.
We've had quite the nice dry spell of weather around here lately, it was desperately needed. It's bone-chilling cold but I take the cold/dry vs warm/wet during the winter! We've had a couple snow flurries too so the ground is white, enough to satisfy my winter needs!