So here I sit, at our house, on our computer, in the office. Comcast was here this past Saturday to install the ever needed TV including the DVR box which allows the pause/rewind. Not sure I could go w/o that feature ever again. Derek and I can hardly stand to watch a show in regular mode, we pretty much record everything and watch it later so we can fast forward commercials! Internet was a MUST so last night I installed that. Had to call tech support at 9:30pm to get my computer to function properly, but hey... here I am!
I am so excited to be able to take pics and immediately download them to the computer and then put them up on here within minutes. How exciting is this. I am sitting on a step stool! Doesnt that sound comfy?
We unloaded our big storage container on Saturday with the help of our friends George & Rachel and their daughter Samantha and the dog Cash. Rachel and I unpacked the kitchen boxes and she really helped me to get that organized. I know I would have been overwhelmed trying to do it by myself. It is tough figuring out what goes where, you move things 5 different times... We watched a movie saturday night, went to bed at midnight, fell asleep after 1am, and it's NOT cuz we were having "private" time! I just could not shut down my brain. My body was exhausted but my brain was laying there thinking non-stop. I finally crashed... Derek pretty much was snoozin when he hit the pillow. OMGosh.. how embarrassing, I was just thinking about my and Dereks snoring.. the spare bedroom is just across the hallway, they did not say they heard us snoring, but I KNOW we both can cut logs all night! lol
George & Derek installed the shower door Sunday, although I hear George was reluctant to "get in" the shower with Derek, apparently he has a lifetime motto to never let that happen! lol lol lol
After they left, we went to Freddies and bought all the staples we might need in the kitchen and left there $450 broker than we already were.. :) Came home, exhausted and worn out.. Went to my parents to get this computer and some other things and came home to plop! Watched some TV, set up recordings for our shows and crashed.. oh then woke up somewhere around midnight to introduce ourselves to ALL the rooms in the house.. including the garage!
One thing we realized is that we got rid of all our big furniture things! Except the couches pretty much.. we did not save any nicknack shelves, no extra chairs, no extra tables, no dressers... we really cleaned house when we moved out apparently. I remember now the reasoning for it is so that when we got into this new house, we would buy the things we wanted and that fit what we needed and not just settle for what we had. Makes sense, right? Good plan, but now I am here sitting on a step stool.. lol because I did not save even ONE of the old dining chairs we had. We ordered a nice roller chair, but well its on b/o for another week plus! The kitchen table is here, but no stools.. those are on b/o. We want to make a new fresh start and not eat in the living room, but for now, we have no other options as there is nowhere else to sit! ;) So we'll be keeping our eyes open for just the right dressers, extra chairs for the bedrooms, curio type shelves etc...
I know this is a super long post.. I have updates on the coming weekend, but I'll do another post, I dont want it getting lost in the house postings.. So here are some pics!
The pics will all be below.. worked better that way...
The Livingroom, a couple different angles. And it looks so plain in the pics with nothing on the walls. We have lots of things to hang, just have not had time. And there is Russell, hangin out. He is really out-of-sorts! :( Poor guy is confused and upset. He was VERY grumpy this past weekend, especially with Samantha and she was not doing anything wrong, he was just upset about everything. There is our dining table with no stools! I'll update once we get those. Not as much room as I'd like, but cozy I guess you could say!
Our kitchen/dining/hall/living room.
Just the kitchen, a little messy.. we are still trying to get things fully organized
Our office, oh and the stool I am sitting on! My butt is really getting sore..... I've been on this thing for about an hour now and I still need to do bills etc, so I think when this is done, I'll take a break and give my butt something soft to sit on like the couch! lol The border is baseball, there is a baseball pillow in the corner Derek just had to have.. Eventually this room will have hardwood floor, we bought the floor, just need to put it in. I have a filing cabinet to put in here, and Derek and I will continue to add features to this room to make it very cool.
The bedroom, very basic setup for now.. bed is not even fully put together as you can see from the posts on the left side.
And finally the long awaited yard pics.. The camera is crooked, not my yard! well not this much anyways. :) I need to mow pretty badly, waiting for it to cool down, maybe tonight.
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