So here is the Boob-Cake! I made this for my brother... I hear there are pics of him with his face up to it, not sure I want to see those, kinda weird thinkin about a sister making a cake that her bro is gonna put his face into.... lol

We spent Saturday working on fencing. We paid my dad's workers cash to install the posts for our fenceline. The neighbors decided they didnt like that we had trimmed up the branches as they lost their privacy. We cut a bunch of dead branches to be out of the way of our new fence and it was a shocker! We cleared out a lot. So the neighbors approached us numerous times about the fenceline to find out why we cleared it, how we knew where the line was, what type of fence are we doing, blah blah... nothing too serious, but they seemed annoyed at the privacy issue. But I needed a cleared line, so I was not too concerned. Then she approached us earlier this week and wants to put in a 6' wood privacy fence along that line instead of the 4' wire we were going to do. She said they would pay the difference from the wire to the wood. Not sure she realized at the time just how spendy that was going to be for her! Of course we agreed. R U Kidding! we get a 6' wood privacy fence for the same cost as the wire... And a privacy fence is really what we wanted, just couldnt afford to do it... it was a no-brainer! So we had all the posts set and we put in the top and bottom rail on the fence, all they have to do is buy the wood slats to nail to the fence now. But that is probably gonna be about $800 for them.. but I am way happy about the deal. Now if we can find a way to get them to install it sooner than later! Here are some pics..
A view from my deck looking out into my pasture. There will be a wire fence under the top rail. It will look really nice when finished.
Dad & Derek, taking a moment to pause for a picture, with a serious look on their faces!! :)
That is the fenceline that will be wood/privacy fence. The neighbors house is just through those trees. We trimmed up that line of trees you are looking at, cut all the dead branches away and it exposed our place so she can see our deck from her bedroom apparently. Oh dont mind the mess in the pic. Just some crap we need to burn whenever the burn ban gets lifted.
Another view of the privacy fenceline. Doesnt even seem like my property, it looks soooo different on this side now. I cant wait to have this fence in, we can have the fire pit over there and have get-togethers in the backyard and not feel like we are disturbing the neighbors!
This is the fenceline that will be wire. My pasture is on the right, yard on the left. Well it will look like a yard someday..
So we are having an open-house BBQ type thing on Labor Day! Working hard to get things done around here so it's not a disaster. Have gotten lots of decorating done, repacked all the xmas boxes into plastic tubs today so we can store in the shop in the rafters, mowed the lawn on Saturday, what a project it is to mow that thing! I bagged it this time and it was super long, so I did like 10-12 dumps of the bag and it took about an hour. I was gettin my work out that is for sure. I came in the house, just huffin and puffin! Took a COLD shower and felt much better. Its been raining/pouring all day today, so really glad I did the lawn yesterday.
I've been in a funk lately about my horses. I am starting to HATE that my horses are not home with me and am really starting to miss having them around. I dont like going to their pasture to see them, its just a pain in the behind. I want to get this pasture done and move them home!!! I am feeling/wondering if I am loosing some of my passion for them lately as I have NOT been motivated to ride at all. Maybe it is just a funk and not having any free time lately. I have to help for a prize ride our club is doing in a few weeks and I have not ridden in months. I need to find some time and break away to ride, but I have to haul my horse to go ride, grrrrrrrrrrr. I dont think I'm loosing my passion, I think it is just on vacation right now and it sucks because I have no motivation to ride at all. This is new territory and I cant tell if its just a timing issue with this house and all or if it is something else.
Oh and we are renting a bulldozer this weekend! Having it delivered on Friday and we'll use it for 2 days. So we are one step closer to bringing the animals home! :)
Oh... and the goats are at the fair! I want to go see them on Tuesday and be sure they are ok. I'm sure they are, I havent heard anything. It has been kinda shitty weather for them though, I hope they are ok. It just rained/poured ALL day today and the pen at the fairgrounds for them to roam around in is not under cover so that sucks! Their nighttime and breaktime pen is under cover though.
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