I went back out this past Monday.. I ventured down the road on my horse to the same trail where I saw the bear last week. My heart was racing, I was nervous and a little scared if I am being completely honest. The last thing I wanted to do was ride that powerline again, back into bear eating territory, but I wanted to ride and my fears can be so silly and irrational, that I knew I needed to push myself through it. I did decide to go without Oakley this time, I figured if I saw a bear or was attacked by one, I'd rather not worry about dragging him along or having his rope get in my way of getting the heck out of there! ;) But.... no bear that day. Just me and my crazy thoughts. We had a good ride, gets kinda lonely riding by yourself, but it is kinda peaceful too. I am running out of time to get my horse in any kind of shape before Friday, lol.
I have someone coming up to see Oakley on Sunday. She was supposed to come up this past weekend, but had car troubles. She is from way down by the OR border, is helping her friend find a horse to lease. I decided to try to find a home for Oakley for a year or two so he can get worked and exposed to things while Derek builds confidence and experience on an experienced older horse. Here are a couple pics I took of Oakley, he looks really good! :)

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