What a fantastic weekend! Weather was nice and sunny, although not very warm.. I slept in on Saturday while Derek hit the alarm at about 5am something... duck hunting opening day!! I finally managed to get up around 9:30 and decided to go over to mom/dads and finish moving the rest of our "stuff" over. I had a bunch of things to clean out still, just miscellanous stuff that you dont really need. A lot of it is Carrie's things, a lot of it was garbage that was already bagged and then there was just stuff.....
I finished with that, whew. I was never so happy to be done climbing those damn stairs! Up and down, up and down. I unloaded the "stuff" into our garage and well there it still sits! lol Mom came over after I got back home and we made a trip to Bothell to a Country Village to walk around, it was nice but I didnt find anything I couldnt live w/o. Derek worked on his duck boat the second half of the day. This picture was taken just after he finished putting resin on it.

We decided to burn some wood Sat night, invited Steve & Angela to come hang out around the fire. We got another chunk burnt up, spent a few hours doing that, I think we finally went in the house around midnight. I love hangin out by the fire!
I got up to the alarm this time on Sunday morning, 8am. I was heading to Lords Hill for a nice ride with the club. There are some pictures here. Here's my super great horse Edgar before the ride started, he is just such a great guy. He was the babysitter today, there were a couple horses that were pretty antsy and instead of the owner fighting with their horse, they just put their horse directly behind Edgar on the trail and the horse was forced to slow down and relax. :)

This one is of some of our group (just 8 of us today, a perfect sized ride) heading down the trail, Lords Hill is very pretty this time of year.

This picture is of the river that I like to talk about, you can see lots of fishermen in boats. We had a really nice lunch break, we rode for about 4.5 hours today, with about 30-45 minutes additional lunch time. After the ride, 5 of us went to Ixtapa in Monroe for dinner with the horses inside the trailers waiting patiently in the parking lot.

So much for mowing my lawn this weekend! I had every intention of doing so, but I didnt get back to my house until about 7pm! When I dropped Edgar off at my parents, I had to play with the goats for a while and also I had to spend about 15 minutes plucking darn burrs out of the two black ones.. they were full! Probably was pointless, they will be full of burrs within days I'm sure.. It was really funny to see them though all covered. It was too dark to take any pics of them, daylight is definately gone by 6:30 now..
So here I am on the computer, relaxed. Derek spent the day golfing with some church and softball friends. He should be home any time now, it is 8pm. I have the day off tomorrow, Columbus Day! How did I get lucky enough on this holiday... :) So the lawn hopefully will get mowed, the dishes will get done, the TV shows will get caught back up on, the laundry will get washed and put away, the house will get vacuumed........ okay now ask me on Tuesday if I got ALL those things done.. yeah right! See ya next time.
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