She was being cute here....
When I type on the computer, she almost always is at my feet under the desk, although occassionally, they both hang out there.. she is under there now snoring, Russell is probably on the couch.
So the weekend is almost over now, feels like a very unproductive weekend but I suppose it wasnt that bad.. We spent pretty much the entire weekend dealing with the new camper. We picked it up Saturday morning at 9am, when we got there, she was washing it. It came with tie-downs, the kind that go into slots on the side of your bed, but we didnt have any way to bolt them down to the bed, so we hauled the camper home untied! that was a nervewracking trip! A short drive with only one small uphill, but not fun all the same.. We off-loaded the camper and headed to town to buy some bolts and then dropped by Marc's place (Julies old place) to have him help us drill holes in the truck and he also made us some steele plates that were needed.. Thank You Thank You Thank You Marc!!! So the camper is now back on the truck and secured down. I washed the inside a little, didnt need a lot of cleaning. There was fresh water inside from her washing the exterior, so clearly we have a leak on the one side, Derek bought stuff to re-seal.
Hooked the horse trailer up with the 14" hitch extension that Derek had to buy, works great! We already tested and there is NO way for the camper to hit the horse trailer no matter how far you jack-knife it.. :) Mom and dad came over today, helped us figure out how to turn on the water, what certain things were for, got the stove working, got the heater working, we think we got the fridge working! :) There is no hot water for this camper, so if warm water is needed, it will have to be heated on the stove. No oven or microwave, but we dont need those things. It is very basic and that is exactly what we wanted. From the picture below, you can see when you walk in, is a big open space with seats on both side. I can set the table up and you can get in/out of the seat just fine with the table up. We installed some supports for the 2nd bed area.
The guys have been loading up the horse trailer the 2nd half of the day with their goose decoys for the upcoming hunting trip. I'm pretty sure there will be 4 of them going this coming weekend, Derek Dad Ted & Tyler. My brother was supposed to go, but he and Andrea are heading to Pullman that weekend for the Apple Cup and then Lance was supposed to go, but had to cancel. It should be a fun trip for them, pretty cheap with 4 guys splitting gas too... Derek will let Dad and Ted sleep in the camper, he and Tyler will sleep in the trailer.. brrrrr
That pretty much sums up the weekend. I had really wanted to get my horse and goats home this weekend, because with Derek being gone next weekend, it wont happen then. But there is a lot that needs doing to get them home still and I decided to be the nice wife and let it go so Derek could get ready for hunting but he did promise to help me get the pasture ready Thanksgiving weekend so I can bring them home then. I really miss having my kids here at home!
Well here are some pics. 

Oh and I think Danielle will be coming home this weekend to WA to spend it with family/friends for the Thanksgiving weekend. I think she might stay with me for a day or two or who knows how long, doesnt matter to me, I'll keep her as long as she wants to stay with me! :) I havent seen her in what, about 8 months... I think this Saturday her and I will spend the day together, hopefully drive down to see a horse she is interested in and then we'll head to go see Oakley!!
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