It is snowing again.. :) Okay well maybe only fluttering/teasing...
We have about 8-10 inches at our house, hard to say how much exactly, I think the new stuff compacts the old stuff, so it appears we have less than it has actually snowed.. does that make sense? lol I think it has definately snowed over a foot worth at our house, it is AWESOME!!! Here's a pic of my street from just yesterday, it is so pretty when it is still white and non-sanded.
I am really enjoying this weather.. I'd take this over rainy and sloppy any day. Everything is still frozen, our road is pure sheet of compact snow/ice. I am getting more and more experience driving in it, with having 2 trucks now, I dont have to rely on Derek to drive me around. It is likely to snow on Christmas day, the only bummer is that I hope everyone can make it out to mom's for Christmas Eve! I'll go get them if I have too.. lol
I'm lovin spending time with Edgar and HotRod. I have to go out twice a day and tromp through the snow to walk in their pasture to feed grain, and I just love it.. Every part of it, oh except going up in the barn, I hate that! The stairs are very steep and with snow on your boots, I am always worried I will fall up or down those stairs...
Edgar is eager to see me, okay well they both are, I am the grain lady! The shelter that was at my parents has completely been destroyed by the weather, photo below. The snow just collapsed those poles like twigs! I am sooooo glad I moved the horses down to Marc/Rachel's place.
We have about 8-10 inches at our house, hard to say how much exactly, I think the new stuff compacts the old stuff, so it appears we have less than it has actually snowed.. does that make sense? lol I think it has definately snowed over a foot worth at our house, it is AWESOME!!! Here's a pic of my street from just yesterday, it is so pretty when it is still white and non-sanded.
I'm lovin spending time with Edgar and HotRod. I have to go out twice a day and tromp through the snow to walk in their pasture to feed grain, and I just love it.. Every part of it, oh except going up in the barn, I hate that! The stairs are very steep and with snow on your boots, I am always worried I will fall up or down those stairs...
Edgar is eager to see me, okay well they both are, I am the grain lady! The shelter that was at my parents has completely been destroyed by the weather, photo below. The snow just collapsed those poles like twigs! I am sooooo glad I moved the horses down to Marc/Rachel's place.
Here's a couple pics of the boys eating their daily bucket of grain!
A few below of the goats too.. they are NOT lovin this weather, there is a path from their stall to the water and that's it. They have not ventured any further than the 10 feet to their water in probably 7 days plus! Every day, morning and night, they scream at me to feed them, poor boys are probably bored to tears..
Here is Echo, he acts like the King, he constantly is pushing poor Stratton around
And then Briggs.. He is so hard to get pics of cuz he loves to be right next to me. He finally got bored with me and decided to head back to his stall.
I am very excited for my christmas gifts this year, I feel really good about what I bought for people. I havent been this excited about Christmas in a long time, I am doing OK. I cant WAIT for my parents (mom especially) to see the present I bought for them, it was the DEAL of the CENTURY, Literally!!!! and it is something my mom has wanted for years.... hehehehehe
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