Cousin Marc
My Brother Eric
My Mom & Dad
Marc's Father in Law, Bill
Thanks to George for helping us 3 weekends in a Row, and driving up from Covington!
His wife Rachel too of course, she and I spent all day one day burning while the guys cut wood
A BIG Thank You as well to my friends Mark & Molly for the use of their tractor for a week!!
We couldnt have done it w/o everyones help!!
The Barn is up and covered, we need to seal some holes in the roofing material, buy a 12' gate for the isleway to keep the animals out of the inside of the barn, dad is going to help us cut in a door for our tack and feed room, then we need to put a floor down in those rooms and finally install the mats in the horse stalls. It is workable as it is right now, we laid gravel down for the "sacrifice area" for the horses. This coming weekend, we plan to finally finish the fencing so we can hopefully bring the kids home this next weekend.... crossing my fingers.
Here is the load of gravel we bought, this is 2/3 of it. This was just this last weekend (1st weekend in January) it snowed off/on in flurries Saturday and Sunday as we worked both days on the barn that weekend... It was a cold weekend to be outside.
This is the very beginning of the process. I am standing on my deck looking out to my pasture
Some building process pics
Here is the completed project, YEAH!!
Nice job! Mady, Chino and I walked down earlier today and poked around inside the barn (your watchdogs weren't too thrilled to see us). I'm jealous of your nice covered aisle!!
Wow, that looks gorgeous! Congrats on getting it up and mostly finished.
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