Friday night was our "Passion Party", there were 21 girls at my house. Well 22, cuz one girl showed up briefly and then left, a friend of a friend kinda deal, I didnt even meet her! It was fun, busted our tails all week to get the house spotless. The night ended at 2am, Shana Andrea & Rachel spent the night. Slept for not quite 5 hours, on Saturday relaxed for the most part but did have a wedding shower to go to at 1pm. I just crashed though when I got back, I was feelin the pain of exhaustion and lack of sleep and Derek was trying to get me off the couch to go in the bedroom, he couldnt hear the TV over my snoring! I am a terrible snorer... I should try breathing strips or something, it is embarrassing! Well, not in front of Derek I dont care if he hears me, but what about when company comes over... :)
Poor little Scout, we learned on Friday just how great of a dog she is! We had ordered pizza Thursday night (you know how it is, you clean your house/kitchen spotless and last thing you want to do is mess it up). Well, I had put the door on the doggie door so the children could not get out when the pizza got there. Derek calls me on Friday afternoon, I didnt take that door back off! The dogs had been stuck in the house ALL day. They didnt get their morning poddy and had held it for a very long time. When Derek got home, he couldnt figure out at first why Scout was whining so badly and wouldnt leave the doorway. She was soooo good, she didnt poo or pee in the house at all, she held it like a big girl dog.. So did Russell but that is to be expected, he's just that good of a bastard! lol
We got in another ride today, this time at the Mann Rd in Sultan. It poured on us of course, but we rode for almost 3 hours and had a good time. The horses needed the excersize :)
Here's a cute pic of Samantha on Saturday morning petting the VERY dirty, Blackie Smalls. He was really enjoying it. When Samantha learned that BS would be returning to his owners soon, she was very upset and wanted to be sure to be able to say goodbye to him. She's not super excited about Oakley coming back, she really likes her Blackie Smalls! I think she is less enthused about Oakley because he bit her once by accident this past summer. She had apples in her hand and juices from the apple, so when she tried to feed him a chunk and with her tiny hands, even though they were flat, he accidently grabbed her hand instead of the apple. So we'll have to slowly get her comfortable around Oakley again.
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