What a Weekend!! extended weekend I should say since it was Memorial Weekend inwhich it started on Thursday for me. 5 days off work, a much needed break from the daily grind.
Thursday I loaded up Oakley and picked up Molly for a 2.5 hour ride at Lords Hill with some other friends, a quiet uneventful ride in the sun, Oakley did great of course! :) I loped him a little on the trail, OMG that horse has a terrific lope, I could go at that speed all day.
Friday I spent the morning cleaning here/there. Derek got off work early, so we loaded up the boat and headed to Lake Roesiger to give that a try. We were out for a couple hours, I had 1 fish on after about 1.5 hours but it spit out my lure half way to the boat.. Derek got skunked. We had intended to explore the lake a little more, but a little ways into our trolling, the boat started going slower and slower.. oh crap!! We hadnt charged the battery since we bought it and we were loosing juice! We turned around immediately and headed back towards the dock, decided to anchor out close to the dock so if we had to row, it wouldnt be far. An uneventful afternoon of fishing but I really am enjoying just spending the time with Derek and having a good time laughing and being silly together. ;)
Saturday morning we woke early after a late night of cleaning (yes Derek & I were up til about 10pm deep cycle cleaning our bedroom!) We headed to Lake Sixteen up out of Conway, Skagit County. We met Eric & Andrea there as well as Tony & Amanda who are Eric & Andreas very good friends. Amanda was in our boat, while the other 3 in Eric's boat. It was COLD! We got there at 8:20 am and the sun had dissappeared somewhere around Stanwood, so the shorts and tank tops were not cuttin it, we all had to wrap up in extra clothing. Within 45 minutes of trolling, I had a nice maybe 15" trout on that we got in the boat. We were feelin pretty good, thinking all the while that we were going to KILL the other boat on luck for the day. Meanwhile, we get ZERO bites or fish for the next couple hours. Andrea on the other hand has caught 11 fish!!! Noone else in her boat had caught anything at that point, and after her 11 fish, Eric & Tony decided to use what she was using and they all started catching fish. Meanwhile, us in our boat, well we are using every lure we could find/experiment with.
After a few hours, we anchored out to give that a try and here comes the other boat, mocking us and laughing (we all were laughing, what can you do!) and as they are passing us between the boat and the shore, BANG I think it was Tony that caught a fish.. damn!!! After he realed it in, they felt sorry for us I guess and came over the boat, gave Amanda some homemade pizza, a Corona and then Andrea decided she had plenty of fish for the day, so she handed me her lure and showed Amanda and I how to set it up just like she had. 5 minutes later I had a good bite, but then NOTHING. For another hour we still had Nothing!! :) We had contemplated ramming their boat numerous times and joked about how fun it would be to throw them in the water. lol
So we thought, maybe we are trolling too fast or too slow, so we start pacing the other boat, we are going along side by side, they pull ahead a couple feet, literally their boat was not even a full boat length ahead of us and then all the sudden BANG, Andrea I think it was lands a fish and when the fish took her hook, it jumped out of the water right away, again LITERALLY 5 feet from the back of our boat. Son of a BITCH! Seriously, lolololololol is about all we could say at that point. Andrea caught fish even after she gave up her successful lure.. so the rundown here is that our boat landed 1 fish in 5 hours (Derek caught a fish at one point but never got it in the boat) and their boat landed almost 20 fish. Amazing... I really enjoyed being out with everyone, we had a blast all the same.
That afternoon we had a BBQ at our place and rented the UFC fights that night. Everyone that came, brought a dog!! lol I should have taken a picture. Here is what we had. Our 2 dogs, Scout & Russell. Eric/Andrea brought Hudson (lab) and a rescue dog Andrea just brought in a Japanese Chin I think it was. A 9 pound dog, pour little girl was pretty fugly! lol I mean she was cute in her own way with her long small body missing half her hair and scabby back and bulging eyeballs. They have not named her so we kept calling her different names all evening, she was a cuddle bug though. Tony/Amanda brought a border collie mix dog. Amber/Jerod brought a lab. Danielle brought her Jack Russell Sobe. 7 dogs total and there was not one fight, I dont even think anyone really growled, oh wait Little Dog didnt like any dogs around her, she spent the afternoon rotating from lap to lap. Dog chaos, dogs everywhere running in/out of the house, it was fun!
Sunday we unhooked the boat and hooked up the horse trailer, headed to Adam's house in Snohomish for a 4.5 hour ride on some DNR land out his back door! :) His girlfriend Tracy was having problems with her horse, she has a mare that I believe is bored with trailriding, the horse is young and needs a bigger job to do, so she had to turn around and lead the horse home, but the 3 of us had a great ride. On our way up the mountainside, we saw a flock of grouse babies go flying off into the bushes and momma was freakin out a little, fluttering her wings and flew after her babies. I told the guys I had read stories of grouse attacking horses to protect their babies. Luckily that did not happen to us. At the top, we could see all the way to Seattle, no camera of course with me :) Derek rode Oakley and was having a nice ride. On the way back, we saw a deer on the trail ahead and then came across a tree next to the trail that had VERY fresh bear scratchings on it. I'd say it was within 24 hours if not that day, it was a little intimidating to see that. Then... my horse (the big Appy gelding) is lagging way behind, he is pretty tired at this point, but I see a grouse fly by Derek up ahead so I asked Derek what happened.. Well, Derek was on the phone chattin with Tyler and this grouse (not the same one as going up the trail) is in the middle of the trail fluttering it's wings and banging them on the ground and then all the sudden it flew up and came straight at Derek. He immediately hung up the phone and the grouse then flew off into the bushes, so he was pretty much heavily WARNED to stay away from her nest, wherever that was! :) It was quite the ride, some excitement. Derek ended up loping Oakely too that day and he just loved it and felt great with how smooth it was to ride. After the ride, we hauled the boys home and drove back to Adams for a Birthday BBQ with him, Tracy and Josh. It was a great day.
We had thought about going for a drive on Sunday, but we decided we felt so "unlucky" with our Saturday fishing excursion that we needed to redeem ourselves, so we slept in Monday, loaded up the boat and headed up to Anacortes to go fishin with Tyler at Heart Lake (same place we rode horses from a month or more ago). We spent a couple hours on that lake and the only thing caught was this poor unlucky croppy fish that Tyler somehow hooked in the belly! Poor little dude probably didnt even try to go for the lure, heck the lure is almost as big as he is!

We dropped anchor in that area and tried fishin for croppy, something Derek has never been interested in fishing for, but at this point we were desperate to catch something! We got lots of tiny bites on our little worm jigs, but no hooked fish. We ditched that lake and headed to Campbell lake a couple miles down the road that is supposed to have some nice planted trout, what did we catch??? Not a G-Damned thing! We fished for a few hours in the wind and cold, not much sun out that day in Anacortes.
So I dont know what the deal is. Maybe because the weather was changing, the fish were not biting. I had a GREAT weekend, just very unlucky fishing experiences.
Oh and to top it all off... on our drive home from Anacortes on Monday, we blew a tire on the boat trailer! We also have to buy guides for the boat for loading it out of the water, it is a pain in the behind.. so money needs to be forked out for the boat in guides and a new tire ASAP! The money pit of boat ownership begins..
Oh and we are battling a mole in the yard. He is REALLY makin me mad! He is diggin up some huge dirt mounds in the yard and gravel area of our paddock. The dogs are pretty funny, every time a new mound arises or the mole redigs a stomped mound, Scout stands at the mound and just barks and barks! Silly dog. Eric said that Sisco says to grind up some fresh mint leaves and boil them and pour that down the holes and that will solve my problem, anyone know where I can find some fresh mint???