We have started living by the philosophy that life is pretty short and you might as well do what you can to enjoy it... and that's why we made the decision to buy the boat. We had some cash set aside to finish our fencing in the pastures, but opted to hold off on the fencing so we could buy the boat. The goats will just have to stay on vacation at the Barten's farm a little longer til we can get more money saved up. :) Derek and I have been looking forward to doing a lot more fishing together and this will definately get us out on the water. We might be tight every month and stressed about our financial obligations, but what better way to relieve your stress than a nice afternoon on the lake fishin for bass, trout, perch...
We took the boat out Saturday late afternoon for about 1.5 hours on Flowing Lake, got the main motor running good and the trolling motor running, we each caught a pretty nice trout, although Derek's was a little nicer in size than mine! But it felt great to be catchin fish again and just cruisin the lake in the boat was nice too. It's not a speed demon, but its perfect for us and I love the boat and dont regret it at all.
We got in ZERO riding this weekend. What a bummer as the weather was fantastic! High 70's if not even a little into the 80's. Oh wait, if you count Friday evening, then I got in 15 whopping minutes! We took the boat on the lake Friday evening and the main motor would not run, so we took it to my parents for dad to provide his expert advise. As Derek & Dad were foolin with the motor, I jumped on Oakley bareback in the pasture with just his halter and rode around. I kinda did the neener neener to Derek.. told him I was making up time since I'm still 4 hours behind him. lol We spent most of Saturday helping cousin Marc on his place and then Sunday morning helping my parents for a couple hours with their load of bark. We could have ridden over the weekend, but we were pretty excited about the boat and took that out instead.
Last night Derek played in 2 softball games. He was invited to play with the Audi Dealership guys from Lynnwood/Seattle who were playing the VW guys from Seattle! :) It was fun to see him playing again, it was not a serious game at all.. but he was still sore and walking pretty stiff this morning.. lol He was reminded why he retired. We mostly miss the guys/friends from softball and hanging out with everyone, but sitting around in 80 degree heat for 3 hours waiting for the next game... dont miss that so much. :)
I've been thinkin about Carrie a lot lately, been doing some crying. I think its the thought of summer coming and all the things Derek and I have been and plan to do and how much I wish she could be here with me to do these things with. I still want to call her and just "talk" to my sister, I miss that more than anything. The other day on the lake, one of the houses was blasting their country music and one of the songs from the funeral came on, I was cryin in the middle of the damn lake! Derek is a great husband, he understands me and allows me my processes. ;)
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