We didnt have an extravagant day, we spent this past weekend camping so that was our celebration to ourselves. Actually yesterday after work we delivered our goats to my aunt and uncles house in Everett! :) Apparently the boys have been getting into trouble over at the Barten Farm... the baby kids were crawling/scurrying under the fenceline to go eat licorice at the neighbors house! lol My aunt/uncle Dale & Heather want their backyard cleared of sticker bushes, shrubs, misc small trees, huckleberry's, salmon berries etc.. As soon as the 3 boys were turned loose, they were in love with their new buffet style accomodations! I'm happy they are no longer a burden on the Barten's and hopefully the fencing will be done at our place or my parents so when they have completed their job at Dale & Heathers, then they'll have somewhere to go again! :)
Back to our camping trip.. okay so the weather has been great for the past 4 weeks, we tied a record of no-rainfall for the spring and what happens the day we head out of town.... downpour!! ;) We were heading down to Alder Lake in Eatonville WA. It is a big reservoir with a huge dam that covers 3 counties! By the time we got down there, it had stopped raining and although the weekend weather was cloudy for the most part, the only rain occured after we had already tucked into bed Saturday night. The fishing.. well that sucked! lol We tried fishin for trout (cast & reel) then we tried for bass, then we tried trolling and as a complete last resort and our 2nd trip out for the day, we tried still/bottom fishing for perch. With 4 poles in the water, we did not get ANY bites using the methods above! Oh well, we did get this great picture!! lol
We took the children with us, always nice to have a heater at night. :) As usual, Derek slept above the cab and I slept on the lower section, I didnt take my air mattress which I later regretted when I realized my right hipbone was actually bruised from laying pretty much on the wood bed for 2 days! At the campsite, we pulled the picnic bench behind the camper which made for a perfect deck... I was reluctant to do it, didnt want the campground hosts to come yell at us, but they never noticed. Now we just need to find a way to do this every time we camp.
Derek's new job is going great, he got a handshake from the owner the other day for a paint job he did on one of the pieces of equipment. Last night, he heard from the night shift manager that the day shift manager is impressed with his work as well. The day shift manager (Bob) hasnt really indicated anything to Derek as far as yah or nay on his work, so Derek was a little worried about that, but then the night guy told Derek that Bob likes him and if Bob likes him, then he'll be sticking around and keeping his job. :) He hasnt been on a horse since the weekend he came off Oakley, we've been pretty busy.
Life is stressed and time is short.. even with these long days! Although now that summer is here, days are gettin shorter every day.. bummer. We are staying home 4th of July weekend, the plan/hope is to get some things done around the house that we havent had time yet to do. It's tough to balance working our paid jobs, relaxing from working our jobs, Derek working on side projects for other people, finding time to camp, fish, ride horses, play with dogs, work on our own projects around the house... Last night we realized how much crazier life/time would be if we had to throw softball back into that mix! The house chores have suffered, weeds are sprouting up all over the place, I think the next couple weeks we'll try to get a bit more organized and feel a little less scattered. I'm sure everyone else suffers the same problems, but I have a blog, so I'll bitch about it! lol
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