Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fishin & Ridin

We spent 3 days on the river in the past week, the Humpies & Silvers are runnin.. It was the first river excursions for the boat, it did pretty well although Derek & I both agree that we far prefer to have 2 in the boat vs the 3 we had on Thursday & Saturday (Tyler was with us). The boat handled well with the wakes as there were a lot of people out on Saturday and Sunday, most were pretty courteous, only a few jackasses.

Tyler was the only one to catch a fish on Thursday, he caught this little bullhead fish (above) and then later he caught the nice one shown below. He has a knack for snagging baby fish! I think he even had another on that he couldnt get in the boat. Here we are providing a nice boat for him to fish out of and how does he thank us.. by catchin the fish while we catch nothin!! ;)

Here's the "fish tale" of the weekend! We were anchored down on Saturday and I had my lure out quite a ways behind the boat and I decided I'd had enough of not catching anything so I started to reel in to put a different lure on. As I'm slowly reeling in, all the sudden my line was snagged straight down in front of me.. my brain was trying to process how this was possible but I felt no fish on my line, never felt any change in my line until I was "snagged". The guys asked if I had a fish, I was like "uh no!" So my line keeps dissappearing now towards the front of the boat, I am flipping my bail letting more line out as I dont want to break my line or my pole on this snag and my line just keeps dissappearing even though the boat is not moving, hmmm my brain is really starting to wonder what the hell kind of snag is this that goes upriver yet there cant be a fish, I never felt a bump or anything!

So about this time that I keep letting out line, the guys start to really question my "snag" which we finally realize is impossible to actually be a snag that I MUST have a fish and it MUST be a sturgeon! So then I finally feel a bump bump and I start to reel.. the only problem?? I'm not able to reel anything in, as I'm reeling my line is just spooling out from this fish taking my line, I keep tightening my tension down and this fish continues to take my line and I'm trying and trying to reel when all the sudden he just spits out my lure and I reel in a big fat.... NOTHING! I am convinced had the boat not been anchored down, this fish would have pulled us upriver, it was that big. We never saw it, but I could tell by the pull (once I even realized I had a fish on) that he was a mammajamma! Sturgeons can get huge, I think the minimum size you can keep is almost 4' long!! Wow, that would have been a great battle.

But unfortunately that was the most excitement I had in 3 days of fishing! :( Derek had 2 on his line on Saturday but never got them in the boat and same on Sunday, he had one on but it never made it in the boat either. I hear reports that the fishing is pretty good, we think it's still a little slow but I look foward to getting out as much as possible, I want some fish!! The fish should really start to come up river soon, there were lots out there, we saw them rolling and jumping all over the place, just didnt see a ton of them making it into the boats!

Shana and I rode on Friday up at Heart Lake in Anacortes with Wendy and Nikki. We had a really nice ride, got in 3.5 hours plus a nice lunch at Whistle Lake. I LOVE the pic of Shana on Edgar, she looks so cute up there on him!
I like the look of a horses head, heading down the trail..
The trails up there are really nice!
Lunch at Whistle Lake..
Unfortunately Edgar is still pretty lame.. I am SO DAMN FRUSTRATED about it.. I dont mind riding Oakley, just sucks that I have someone now to ride Edgar and he is still lame, I think he needs the rest of the year off. Oakley did okay, he had a shithead moment twice on the trail. First time we were heading up a very long continuous hill and about 4/5 of the way up, he decided he had had enough! He refused to go on and when I pushed him on, he threw his head up, bolted forward at a fast walk, starting walking from side/side.. Once we peaked that very long section, he went back to being his good 'ole normal self. But then on our way back (we went a different route) we were almost to the trailhead and heading down a really steep section. Shana got off Edgar as his shoulder really bothered him going downhill and Oakley started to throw a fit, he spun around on the trail and there was not much room to deal with a difficult horse, there was a dropoff on the one side, uphill on the other. Well I tried to get him to go down normal, but he was acting very dangerously with thinking about bucking and trying to run off the trail and spinning around, so I got off and lead him down as well. Once at the bottom I got back on and he was great for the rest of the ride back.

Oakley has his moments where it is just safer to get off. He is still young and immature at times, so instead of fighting him, I got off. Maybe that is letting the horse win, but when I'm staring at a cliff and my horse has ZERO regard for where he is stepping, it would be dumb for me to try to fight him. It was a long day packing my ass around, so it didnt bother me at all to get off for 5 minutes and walk him, his back might have been a little sore as well going downhill. I had a saddle on him that I think fits him about as perfect as a saddle can fit. ZERO dry spots when I got off him and the next day he was only a tiny bit sore, which is GREAT when he's packing a heavy load.

I started painting the house too a week ago, and well thats about as far as I got! About 1/3 done. It looks really good, I'm being very meticulous about it, maybe I told you the story already of firing Derek! lol I just havent had time to get out and paint more this past week or weekend with fishing opening. Plus I had my skin tags removed last week which was scary for me. I was VERY apprehensive about the whole deal but it wasnt quite as bad as I imagined, actually the few days after visiting Miss Lancelot were worse than having them cut off. I had one under my boob that irritated me the most, then the neck flappy came off and then a few under my armpits. The shot to numb them up was not too bad in all reality, but a couple of them did NOT get numb enough and I could feel her cutting my skin away!! UGGHH that was not real pleasant! ;) But now they are healing up real good and maybe in a week I can shave again and I wont have to be embarassed anymore about my flappies of skin under my arms. The neck one didnt bother me, but it was weird having it cut off though, because it has been a part of me for so long.. seems silly really to be attached to something so little, but for the first couple days it was like I lost a part of me... mostly because that one was visible to the general eye. I did NOT have my mini-me brain removed, it was too large for her to do at that appointment, maybe in the future, but thats gonna take some guts to go in for cuz they will have to stitch that one.. What would I ever do without that little extra brain, it's probably what keeps me functional! lol

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