Derek and I have decided that maybe for our 20yr anniversary, we will renew our vows.. and it is right around the corner... Damn are we getting old or what!! :) This year will be 14 years, so only 6 more to go AND we thought maybe we would do it in Hawaii on the beach or something... We've never been and although it would be nice to go between now/then, if we dont get a chance then our first trip to the tropical land will be for a much needed vacation and to revow the next 20 years. I think it would be cool to renew every 20 years.. so that's my plan!
No.. we do not have a 2nd dog yet! hehe We did settle on a Boykin Spaniel, well not settling as in a bad thing, we just came to the decision that this breed is the breed for us. We've (okay I've) been talking with some breeders online, trainers etc.. trying to figure out who we want to buy a dog from etc. I did find a couple WA breeders, one will have pups ready mid July.. another guy in OR will have pups this summer as well, he already has 8 people on the pre-paid waiting list! We are excited and I think Russell will be happy too.
He's been pretty funny, we now take him almost everywhere.. He went to the board mtg with us, but he did stay in the truck since it was at a restaurant. He enjoys hangin in the truck, we bought him a bed thing that sits between us in the front of the cab, he's happy as a clam.
Derek's job has been stable so far, which is great news! He's almost done with that panel truck project we've had in the shop for many months.. okay not almost done but almost done with phase 1.. lol But when this phase is done, Harry will take the truck home, get it put back together and drive it a while with primer on it, eventually it will find it's way back into the shop for its real paintjob.
The both of us are so ready to start riding again! Its been basically 3 months since we rode last, this weekend I am going to ride Big Red. The owner, Gerri, she calls him Red or Red Horse.. I like calling him Big Red, even though he's not red in color at all, I'll have to ask her how he got his name. But he's big and I'm super excited about getting him home eventually.
Oh and I finished that blanket I was working on, I didnt post much info about it on here since I was not sure if the friend I made it for would be reading up, but it turned out so good! Not to brag at all, but I just wanted to keep it.. it was so soft and pretty.. lol I did take pics and when I get home will try to remember to login and repost with pics.. I was proud of myself for doing a pretty darn good job on it, but I do think I am retaining a slight kink in my neck from handsewing for 4 hours on the edging piece that had to be hand sewn! I wake up a tiny bit stiff in the neck and I now realize it is a sewing hangover. lol
Oh and I had this crazy dream the other night, Derek was drilling screws into my eyelids, stomach and toes! He was pushing really hard on the drill, apparently I have tough bones.. I wasnt upset or scared and he wasnt angry, but I did walk funny with screws in my toes... lol I cant remember why he was doing it in my dream, my coworker says I must feel like I'm getting screwed over in my life somehow but I dont think I feel that way about anyone.. it was just weird and I had to post cuz I found it funny as well, very random!
Oh and one last thing before I sign off for another week.. Oh wait I have to sign back in later to post some pics! :) This movie has been out in the theatres for quite a while actually and I really had NO interest in seeing it.. Avatar! The previews didnt seem very appealing, something about sci-fi and weird creatures and battle scenes.. But then I just kept hearing over and over again that it was amazing and that seeing it in 3D was the ONLY way to see the movie. Well I decided that I better go check it out and take advantage of seeing it in 3D on the big screen and was I not one tiny bit sorry I did! Derek and I came out of this almost 3 hour movie just feeling in awww.. there were parts of that movie that were so magical and fairytale-like, but not dumb fairytale. Even Derek wanted to be in Avatar land.. it was mystical and magnificent and beautiful at times with a great story. The colors were amazing, I was just blown away with how much I truly loved that movie and many times had wished I could transport myself there. It made me feel like I was in heaven at times and I imagined that that is what heaven would be like when I get to go and see Carrie. Sounds dumb maybe to others, but the magic tree and the water they swam in and how the tree branches lit up as they ran across them.. that is what I want my heaven to look like.