After the boards were out, the guys took the trailer to Marysville and welded in a new support brace up at the front so that there would be sometime to screw the new boards into. By the time the guys got back from buying the wood and welding in a new brace, we had just enough time to cut the floor boards and get them in the trailer. Derek and I finished up screwing in the boards on Sunday afternoon, the new floor looks so nice! Yeah, too bad I got preoccupied mowing the yard and riding my horse (I mean Derek's horse!) that I didnt get a chance to take pics of the fnished project, but I'm sure you can imagine what 10 2x8's layed out on a trailer floor look like! lol
The project really only cost $85 for the wood and then $25 for the screws.. Not too bad and I feel SOOO much relief now that I know it will support the horses completely again. After the trailer was done, I mowed the lawn and Derek started working on cleaning up the boat from his camping trip last month. It was still full of muck. I had just enough daylight to squeeze in a 45 minute ride on Edgar, I got back in the driveway at 5:30, with maybe only 10-15 minutes to spare on it not being too dusk to be out riding down the road.
We also bought last week a pressure washer, a much needed tool for our property, so Saturday I was able to wash the trailer mats and also the front walkway which had a slight green hue to it! :) The next nice weekend we get, we need to clean the deck and wash it as there is more of that green growing on it as well. It was a very productive weekend and i'm looking forward to hopefully more nice weather down the road because it feels great to get shit done around the place! lol
Thursday we get shoes put on Big Red and either Sat or Sun we'll take him out for a trailride.. looking forward to it! And I know Derek is excited to get back on Edgar, they are just a great fit for eachother and I'm so happy that things are working out..
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