then Drown 'em!!
Those pesky moles are back.. Last year we thought we had rid the yard of the damn things and the holes started popping up again this year. We first tried the gum trick, put some juicy fruit down the holes and that seemed to have done the trick, but then WHAM, 6 new holes overnight a couple weeks later. So Derek found a tailpipe contraption and gassed their chambers for 30 minutes... We thought that had done the trick, but then again a couple weeks later new holes arrived.
So last night we gassed 'em again for 30 minutes and to finish it off, we figured if they passed out and didnt die from the gas, we'd get the job done with drowning them. We filled up one section that only took a few minutes to fill the hole. The hole in the picture... heck we had the water going for 15+ minutes full blast on that hole and I dont think it was close to filling up, so there are some serious chambers going on down around that tree!

I also had Derek take a few pics of me and Big Red. I gave an article to our horse club Newsletter Editor to introduce him to everyone. I think the headshot is pretty cute, EVEN IF I am in it!! :)

I took one of Edgar too.. he's such a stinker, when the camera comes out, he always leaves! He did stop to look back at me, I'm sure disgruntled because I had interrupted his dinner..
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