Tuesday, May 18, 2010

now I'm just pissed....

Okay, so the auditor apparently did not just shrug off that $6,000 difference (I think I was dilussional that he would just take my word for it) lol

He came back at me yesterday with an email saying I understated our taxable sales by 84,000 and shorted them sales tax of $6,000+ BS BS Bullshit! Sorry, but there is no way that is possible... there is just something off with the reports then that were sent to him, which are NOT the same reports I use to calculate my tax return..

So now I am going to sit down and AUDIT the report that I sent to him and find out WHY it is different than what I do every month and I am still 95% sure that my way of doing things has been right and that this other report is wrong somehow or his conversion of that report calculated incorrectly...

Well I cant complain much, gives me a big project to work on and I enjoy these types of work projects because I feel very accomplished when I am done.. I am on a damn mission to prove this guy wrong, will let ya know when I do!!! :)

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