So this past weekend was the annual horse club Ladies Ride, this year up at Harry O, outside of Sedro Woolley. I do miss the old location of Silver Ridge Ranch (Easton, WA) because I like the camping much better there.. but Harry O is free and there are more trails. I brought along my cousin Shana but I told her the stipulation was that she had to sleep in a tent! :) I really enjoy having it to myself when Derek is not with me. It was the running joke of the weekend (thanks to Shana) that because I sleep in the buff (which is partially why Shana was banned) and because I said I wanted "me" time (which was the other reason I gave Shana for not being allowed to sleep in the camper) that she assumed "me" time was for personal/self fulfilling reasons, also referred to as "Piper Time!"
Which to set the record straight, is 100% NOT the reason she was banned from the camper.. lol I just wanted the peace and quiet of having alone time... :)
The weekend went really well, we arrived Thursday afternoon, got our tent and awning set up and opted not to ride that afternoon, it just got too late. We did get in a 4 hour ride on Friday, the weather was nice but not too terribly hot, rode to the lake which was fun. When we got back to camp, a short while later, Edgar laid down.. DAMMIT!! I knew right away he was colicky.. He never lays down around people... He kept looking at his belly, so I gave him a round of Banamine (the magic paste!) and 20 minutes later he was perfectly fine.. He was still eating, drinking, pooping, peeing.. I think he just gets a gas colic or some sort of nervous stomach or something. Maybe he internally is a little stressed out and it bothers him enough to cause him to get a belly ache. We rode again on Saturday for almost 3 hours and Edgar was great.. but around midnight as I was attempting to sleep, I heard him lay down so I got up and sat out with him for 30 minutes to watch him.. he kept looking at his belly so as he lay there, I walked over and gave him another round of Banamine and went to bed. I figured it was better to be safe than sorry and it allowed me the opportunity to sleep soundly vs fretting and watching him all night.
Sunday he again was good to go.. my plan was a 1 - 1.5hr MAX ride... we got back to camp 2.5hrs later! lol Which turned out just fine, I was in no rush to get home since I knew Derek was off golfing that day and would not be home til probably after 9pm. Shana and I slowly packed up and headed out early afternoon. We did get some rain Saturday night and sprinkled on for just a few minutes on Sunday, but overall a terrific weekend with some great riding.
While I was away, Derek spent Saturday morning golfing with Jen & John in Snohomish and then spent the afternoon at the Hunt Test out in Duvall/Carnation area. He met Elroy who owns Earl.. Earl is the pappy to our future puppy.. He met lots of very nice people that were more than happy to talk with him and answer questions about the world of hunting with dogs and hunt tests.. We initially thought about training Cooper on our own, but he was advised its not as simple as it seems so Derek is now gung-ho on sending our dog down to OR for 3 months of training.. I told him he has 7 months to save up the cash! I have a feeling this new adventure will be somewhat time consuming and I think I will be very thankful to have the horses home 24/7 next year so we wont forget they exist as we focus on the pooches. :)
Speaking of pooches.. Ellie is doing really well. She is getting big and fast, she FINALLY now "asks" (because she cant quite jump up on her own yet) to come up on the couch with me and sits by my side (well when she is tired anyways cuz if she has an ounce of energy in her, she wants nothing to do with sittin still for more than 3 seconds at a time!)
So back to the herbs.. I called my vet to find out what could be causing Edgar to Colic. He had a 4-day colic bout that started at that Winery Ride last year, then he started to colic again last month while camping and again this month.. my vet, Dana indicated he could have ulcers which when stressed might cause him to start to colic.. so she recommended Celery Seed & Aloe Vera Juice! There are ulcer medications but very expensive, so we'll try to the cheaper route first. There is also a supplement that might help but it too is pretty spendy at $100/month! I will try the seed and juice and start feeding them to him a week before all camping trips and then through the camping weekends.. see if we can get his internal system to function better... Another reason to have him home so we can feed him grain year round as well.
My camera either died or both sets of my batteries died.. :( I really hope it was the batteries or the battery charger that died.. not quite ready to buy a new camera yet! So I stole these couple pics off Shana's FB page.. this is how I wash my hair with no shower or bathroom, just a teakettle and some soap! :)

And then the lake we rode to, you have to walk through part of the lake to get back on the trail.

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