Derek & I partcipated in the Granite Falls Railroad Days Parade! Our horse club had decided it would be fun to get out name out there and it was.. We met up a bit too early, okay a lot too early. Which was probably my fault.. I think I suggested the 7:30 am meetup to decorate, we were done by about 9am with 2 hours to spare until we had to line up in town. Well we will know better for next time. But none of us were grumpy morning ladies, we all decorated with laughs and good times. 
All the dogs were a big hit! Jenny drove the truck with miss Chleo up front with her, Derek had Russell next to him, I had Ellie and Renee had Katie. Ellie was bit freaked out at first, this was all new to her, she screamed just a bit when she met Chleo (who is smaller than her!) and she tried to run away, she didnt like Katie at first either.. but after just a few minutes, she was hanging out right next to Katie who is an Aussie as well. I was so proud of her, she sat next to me the entire time and only tried to get off the hay bale a couple times.. but when I asked her to stay, she didnt argue she just sat or laid there with me. I'm sure she was a bit stressed and freaked out with all the commotion, but she did sooo good!! Russell was really good of course, he just sat and chilled out, Derek had him waving to the crowd.
Ellie before the parade started.. Katie in the background
After the float was done, Derek & I drove home quick and grabbed the dogs, decided it would be fun to have them along since Jenny had her dog and Renee brought hers. Plus I realized it would be nice to have something for kids to look at and focus on instead of just us adults sittin on hay bales! :)
All the dogs were a big hit! Jenny drove the truck with miss Chleo up front with her, Derek had Russell next to him, I had Ellie and Renee had Katie. Ellie was bit freaked out at first, this was all new to her, she screamed just a bit when she met Chleo (who is smaller than her!) and she tried to run away, she didnt like Katie at first either.. but after just a few minutes, she was hanging out right next to Katie who is an Aussie as well. I was so proud of her, she sat next to me the entire time and only tried to get off the hay bale a couple times.. but when I asked her to stay, she didnt argue she just sat or laid there with me. I'm sure she was a bit stressed and freaked out with all the commotion, but she did sooo good!! Russell was really good of course, he just sat and chilled out, Derek had him waving to the crowd.
Ellie before the parade started.. Katie in the background
Miss Chleo lookin cute as can be!
I think our float looked pretty good and Derek & I are excited to participate in future parades. We had a great time. When we left the parade we headed over to Kathy's to see if Tyler and her were home, they were. Ellie screamed and ran again when she first met Brownie! Took her a few minutes to warm up and stop clinging to my side, I really cant wait til we start our obedience classes which was supposed to be in 1 week, however class was moved back another week.
I wanted badly to just sit and be lazy all afternoon on Saturday when we got home, but after only 1.5 hours of TV watching I was itchin to get outside and get some things done. So I mowed and raked (the grass is out of control, I typically never rake the yard but its been growing like weeds lately and so thick, I had to rake so it didnt look like shit!) Derek worked on his boat for a while and I started raking the leaves and branches into piles from the walnut tree. I still have to pick those all up, but they are ready to go.
I really wanted to get a lot done on Sunday, but I was feeling lethargic and lazy and my stomach and head were not feeling well either. So we got minimal things accomplished. Oh well, gives me something to do this week.. right? :) Overall it was a great weekend and now I am motivated to continue the hard work and keep up on getting the place looking good and ready for horses!
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