Our horse club held a WorkParty this past Saturday at Mann Rd. 4 members walked in with bladed weed eaters and then I was there with a horse to ride in to work on a couple different areas. At first I was the only rider and I thought I might be working alone. I wasnt afraid of the work to be done, just my over-active mind worried about what critters might try to join me if alone! :) Rachelle informed me that because noone else in her group but her was "packin" that she would not be givin me her gun, I was on my own! LOL Thankfully another lady showed up with her horse to help me out, she is from Traildusters and it was nice getting to know her and having her help. I am sure I wouldnt have finished it all w/o help. I opted to take Edgar that day since I was packing in a saw, loppers, bucket, raingear etc.. Red doesnt really like having so much flopping around on him just yet. Mary and I worked really hard.. we filled 6 big sink holes in the trail with river rock and sand, then cut out a good sized tree, manhandling it to then get it off the trail, then cutting another smaller tree out. We spent a good 3.5hours of working, my arms are pretty sore from all the rock hauling and sawing. It feels really good though to have accomplished the 3 tasks Jenny sent us out to work on. We got back to the trailers about 30 minutes before the other group walked out.
The weekend before, Derek & I drove over to Ellensburg for the BCHW Rendezvous, we bid on a couple items, watched a clinic, browsed the vendors. Oh there was a guy there that had invented a feed box for horses that eliminates hay waste problems. Edgar is a real turkey when it comes to wasting hay, we have a whole routine of trying to keep him from getting his hay on the ground where it then gets stepped on and he refuses to eat it. This feeder box can be made to fit an entire bale, so one of Derek's next projects is to replicate the idea and make 2 for our barn. The guy was selling them very reasonably priced and I'm glad for the idea but thankful for a crafty husband who will be able to make them for our horses. Red doesnt really need one, he eats up every last nibble, but this will allow us to set out an entire bale and not have to feed them for another 4-6 days! :)
I think I mentioned before that Derek is now on a bowling league.. oh yes I did.. well he never did get that yellow ball he wanted, it is out of production and he was unable to find the weight he wanted for himself but found another he is satisfied with. It was funny at league 2 weeks ago, the team they played against asked if his ball was new.. not because it looked new but because they could smell it! LOL Yep, Derek discovered that his new ball smells like blueberries I think it is.. Smells pretty darn good, he spent the rest of that evening sniffing his ball every time he picked it up. :) He's been having up/down games with his ball as he learns and adjusts to it, but had a great game of 266 last week! Only 2 frames that he did not get strikes.. I am looking forward to his 300 game!!
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