Life seems busy, but I'm not sure much is getting accomplished. Well I know not much is getting done lately around our farm. Everything is green and beautiful, if you can call a driveway full of weeds beautiful! I'm trying to get a handle on it all, but sometimes feel like I'm getting swallowed up. The goal for this year was to get organized, I think we need to start with organizing our thoughts so we can eventually get to organizing the garage, shop and shed.

Taking pictures of the horses has been about the extent of their interaction with us since Memorial Weekend. I did get out for a ride a week ago with a friend around the neighborhood... sad. Derek's been workin OT again, he had a couple week break from it all but things have picked up again. I try to do what I can around the place, I did manage to get the house deep cleaned a couple weeks ago, the bedroom has been un-cluttered for 2 or 3 weeks now.. This may be a first! A bedroom I'm not ashamed to be shown on a whim, cant say the same about the kitchen all the time, which is funny cuz the kitchen is the first thing you see when you walk in the door! lol

I've not "worked" Dexter a lot lately, he's been limping on a front leg, I'm honestly not sure if its his shoulder or his hoof.. He limps at random, it just comes and goes.. one second he's walkin fine and then he limps real bad, then back to fine again.. Not really too concerned about taking him to the vet. I'm still cleaning his no-naughty-bit region almost daily, it seems to be draining well and doing good, swelling is now almost non-existant. Yesterday as I was washing it with a rag, I think he actually enjoyed it! He stretched his neck out and quivered his nose... I still cant approach him in the pasture, thats one of my next goals but that is still all about trust from him. He has come a very long ways, just needs LOTS of desensitizing! LOTS!!
Yesterday Derek & I celebrated our 15yr wedding anniversary, 20 years together!! I cant believe its been that long.. holey moley. :) We didnt make a big deal of it, just went to dinner. He had to be up at 3am this morning for more OT at work, so last night was dinner then bed for him.. alone bedtime while I wound down watchin some TV. I sat there thinking about it being our anniversary and how we literally spent maybe 1.25 hours together the entire day... But I'm okay with it, thats what being in a relationship is about, its not about me or him, just about us still being strong enough to accept the reality of life and continuing to love and live!
Cooper is doing great! We havent had an update in a couple weeks, but last we heard, there were no problems or issues. A friend from the Hunt Club we belong to, she is going down to Parkdale this weekend (where Coopey is at) and she promised to take some pics of him, so we are very excited to see him!! When thinking about him being gone, I would say "sure I miss him", I'm in a groove with the morning routine at home and how hassle free it is not having him being his rambunctious self, but then I watched a segment on Dogs 101 from the Animal Planet channel, it was about Boykins.. As I sat there alone at home on a Saturday watching, I started to cry! WTH.. I then realized just how much I missed our dog!! :( I was overcome with loneliness of not being able to hug him and see his face and pet him, I just cant wait to get him home. I really didnt expect to feel so sad about him being gone, but I guess I'm a bit more attached to the little bugger than I realized.
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