Well we finally did it.. the 6 of us got out for a family camping trip (Mom/Dad/Eric/Andrea/Derek & I) We had been wanting to get out, it just took all summer for us all to have the same weekend free. My brother originally had planned to head over to Banks Lk area and boat in to camp, but Derek & I really preferred to not do it that way, we kinda like using our camper :)
With just a few days to spare before heading out for the extended weekend, I found a private campground on Bumping Lake in Goose Prairie WA.. What an amazing drive that was!! We went over Hwy 410, one we had not ever been on before, we were innocently driving along when all the sudden we came around a bend and there was Mt Rainier!! I missed getting the really good shots, this was the best I could do on such short notice.

Bumping Lake was beautiful and the campground was pretty cool actually. We had 2 side-by-side campsites right on the water, so we were able to park the boats right infront of us for the weekend. The morning sunrises were so peaceful, I woke up early enough to catch them. Saturday morning I sat in my bathing suit waiting for the sun to peak the mountain so I could get my bath in, the water was clear and inviting at 7:30am!
While I waited, Cooper kept himself busy sniffing out squirrels and such. I'm sitting at our campsite looking out at the lake in this picture, there is a small rock beach on the other side of that log leading to our waterfront.

Here's another view of the lake and mountains

As the sun came up Saturday morning, I was practicing with the panoramic option on my camera. The beachline was actually straight, but the panoramic makes it looks curved here.

Derek could not get the motor running in our boat, so we left ours behind; we were able to go out in the boat Eric brought. The fishing S U C K E D!! And I mean SUCKED... Mom caught one trout that they released on purpose and Eric caught one trout that Andrea successfully released accidentally! :) Apparently she is not a good "netter" of fish! We had a nice fish finder and even with that, we saw very minimal fish, it was incredible how FEW fish were in that lake that showed up on the finder. Down in the area we were camped, when the water was calm, you could see to the bottom, on Sunday before we left we attempted to troll for fish but realized it was pretty pointless as we would lean over and just looked in the water and saw only one or two lonely fish every 10 minutes and they were sittin on the bottom of the lake.
Cooper was a really good boy for the trip! We only brought him along. He spent some of the time tied up in camp, and some in the camper.

Saturday morning after breakfast, Derek took Cooper out in Eric's boat for a while, it was Cooper's first boat ride. He did really good and seemed to enjoy it! Derek of course didnt catch anything..

Our neighbors at the campground informed us of local trail to Boulder Caves, indicating it was an easy 1/4 mile hike. So we loaded up into Erics truck and drove to the trailhead, which was only about 25 minutes from us. It was a really nice trail, but it was not 1/4 mile, more like 3/4 mile! Dad and I were the slowest of our group, we are in no shape to be hiking uphill that much, but we did it! :) Well dad made it 80% of the way and he decided it was far enough. He waited as the rest of us continued up the trail to the caves.

Once we reached the top of the trail, we dropped down into the canyon where a creek flowed through the caves.. It was a good thing our campsite neighbors told us to bring a flashlight, it was pitch black inside w/o light!!
This is just outside the entrance of the caves which are downstream of us just a few feet.

Starting to walk down into the cave opening
It was a pretty hot day (mid 80's easily) so the dogs were all very eager to get in the creek to cool off.
Now that the pups are all wet, we can continue! :)

It was too dark to get any good pics inside the cave, my camera put spots all over those pictures, but this is coming out of the cave.. it was really cool and we managed to get through w/o any bat incidents!

It felt great to make the hike, as badly as I wanted to turn around at times, it was a fun family excursion. We were ready to head back to the lake and jump in to cool off.

When we got back to camp, Eric really wanted us to try to swim Cooper w/o his life vest. Cooper had swam with me earlier that morning when I took my morning bath, he looked so sad sitting there watching me, so I put his vest on and he had a great time! He would stay pretty close to me, I did not have a leash on him, he would venture out only about 6 feet from me, so I would swim out a ways, he would follow and then we'd swim back. The only problem was he liked to swim so close that often he was pushing off of me with his paws.. not good when he has nails that are too long!!
When we all got back from the hike, we decided to give it a try w/o the vest, and what do you know.. Cooper swam!!! YEAH! He did the puppy paddle a few times, but for the most part, he was figuring it out. Eric was throwing tennis balls for his dogs and Cooper seemed eager to play the game, but we held him back, hoping by him watching, maybe it would click how to retrieve in water, which he had yet to figure out how to do. When he seemed ready, we threw a bumper for Cooper to retrieve in the water.... well he swam out to it and kept right on going! :( bummer...
Eric was out in the lake, so we threw the bumper to him and when Cooper got to it and was about to swim past, Eric grabbed him and told him to "hold" while he was swimming, so Cooper put it in his mouth and swam back to us. We tried again and this time Cooper clicked!!!! He picked up that bumper in the water and he was HOOKED... He thought that was the coolest game ever, to swim AND retrieve. It really was such a relief moment for Derek & I to see our dog finally figure it all out.. His only issue is that once he gets the bumper in his mouth, he goes back to puppy paddling instead of swimming.
Overall it was a terrific weekend, except for the lousy fishing, but I would definately go back to the lake, maybe earlier in the year when fishing might be better. We have all decided to make it a priority to do a family camping trip every year, maybe going to a different location every year.
On our drive home, we pulled over to get some photos with the great scenery.

1 comment:
Great post Piper! Looks like fun :)
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