We have contemplated for months now on the Edgar issue and what was the right decision to make for us and him. The last time we took him camping was Memorial Weekend and he showed signs of colic for 3 days and then after that trip, sometime in June he went lame again, the 3rd summer in a row for that to happen. The shoers think he might have navicular issues. Derek did not have much time over the summer to ride anyways, that shitty-ass employer he used to work for kept him busy with a lot of OT over the summer. But summer ended, Oakley came back home to us, and Edgar was still a bit "off" and we had to make a decision.
Edgar is still 100% rideable but he is not 100% sound and he should not go camping, to avoid any potential colic issues. I posted on Facebook that we were looking for a home for him, as I did not want to sell him or advertise him to just anyone, we really had hoped to find a friend or friend of friend type home, he's just too great a horse to give to anyone! An old school friend contacted me almost immediately through FB and chatted with me that he and his wife might be very interested. Timbre's wife Jennifer had a horse and they recently had bought a pony for their son, Timbre was feeling a little left out and wanted a nice solid horse to have around incase he felt like riding with his family. I was so excited because that pretty much summed up exactly what we wanted for Edgar. I told Timbre I would not pursue any other home for Edgar until he told me yeah or ney on taking him.
They came out to look at him a week ago, there was one incident when they were there. It was dusk outside, we saddled Edgar and Derek & Jennifer rode him around. Timbre then went to get on, but he had his toe right in Edgars belly so when he attempted to get on, Edgar panicked a little with all that pressure on his belly and he spun around, Timbre made a good 3 or 4 second attempt to stay on but with both his legs still on one side, he didnt have much of a chance! He kinda fell off and hit the ground face first.. OUCH! I felt sooo bad, Timbre was okay and he did get up and made a 2nd successful attempt to get on w/o incident.. whew! We talked to him and told him what happened and why Edgar panicked. They were not upset about it, Edgar just has super sensitive sides. A week later (this past Sunday) they drove out and picked up our Edgar to take him home! They are very happy with him and I think it will all work out and it sounds like Edgar now has a permanent forever home, I really just could not be any happier about the whole deal. Edgar will still get ridden but will not be expected to handle really hard riding. Timbre is worried he might not get a chance to even ride Edgar because Jennifer likes him so much! :) I was sad to see him go, but a big part of me was really happy because I actually hate to see such a good horse sit and go to waste when he could be utilized still and we hardly have time right now to ride the 2 we got! :)
Derek & I had set out a week ago to get our yearly supply of hay. What a fiasco that was! The entire situation was one big cluster of frustration.. I could turn this into a huge post with exact details but lets just say, originally the hay was supposed to be delivered to my barn for a set price.. well that price jumped $600 making it unfeasible to do. Next plan was to drive to Buckley to get the hay instead of our usual trip to Spokane for the same hay. Brandon (hay dealer) tried to tell me I would be getting 10 bales short of my normal load.. he and I had a bit of heated discussion which involved calling the farmer in Spokane to help clear up. Brandon caved in finally and told me he'd have my 200 bales and to come get. We drive down with 2 trailers intending to pick up those 200 bales. Brandon is not there but guess what, he only has 183 bales! So I load up 180 bales leaving the 3 wet ones behind and pay for only 180 bales. I'm not real happy because he shorted me 1 ton of hay!!! Actually should have been super pissed off, but there was so much turmoil over this hay, I just let it go...
We safely made it home (after stopping and adding air to the trailer tires!) and we have it all basically put away except a couple tons that will go to our house instead of my parents barn. The bummer of it all is that this hay dealer bought up all of next years crop of Blue Grass, so I will not have access to this hay any longer for the super good price and will have to be just like everyone else and pay regular prices for my hay... It was good while it lasted but nothing last forever, right!!
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