I've been motivated to work with Dexter now that I no longer have Red, and after seeing how "terrible" Dexters reaction to a stranger was!! A friend was possibly interested in buying him, so she came out about 10 days ago.. Dexter was not diggin it at all. He wanted nothing to do with this new person and was a bit naughty.. It really opened my eyes to just how much more work he needs.. He's been so good for me but I can see he's become a 1-person horse. I am now in motivation-mode and try to work with him daily, really starting to push his buttons and demand a lot more from him, which in reality.. is not alot! I finally got him registered, feels good to have gotten that done. His papered name is "Driftin Blue Dexter". Last night I put a bareback pad on him, that was interesting! When I started to over-tighten it a bit, he went straight up in the air in the middle of my barn so I backed it off a bit and kept it fairly loose.. proceeded to lunge him and that was pretty funny.. he did the typical wild bronco type moves you see in pictures of a horse being saddled for the first time. He didnt like it, but I need to start pushing him harder because he's gettin too old and big for slow progress. I'm not going to be pushing him harder than he can handle, but he's still so darn jumpy that its time to just do stuff to him and let him figure it all out along the way. Sometimes when I work him, I think "why sell him" so I am battling the decision a little.. We will see how he comes along, at this time I would need the money from him to help me buy another horse.
I dont exactly have any free weekends for the next 2 months to be horse-shopping anyways. Which works out OK because in 2 months Dexter hopefully will have come a long ways and be shedding out and closer to being ready to sell if I am going to sell him. I want to wait to put him up for sale until he has lost most of his winter coat and can handle things better as well. Its not very impressive when he wont even let potential buyers touch him! But for me, he's doing really well and is so darn smart and responsive..
Derek has been making those popular survival bracelets that you see in a lot of stores right now.. he taught himself how to make them, he's made himself and others some lanyards for duck/goose calls and also for dog training whistles.. they are really nice. He also made himself a rope halter & leadrope too. The horse club was interested in having him teach us how to make them, so we had a class last week. We bought lots of different colors for everyone to choose from and everyone did a great job with their project. We made bracelets and then also made longer cords that we can attach to our saddle to just have on us for the cord if needed in an emergency.

When Derek first lit the candle, a few looked confused on why a pretty pink intimate candle was needed for a braiding demonstration, it was kinda funny! :)

Still have not gone out to see any other horses.. hasnt been anything of real interest right now. This weekend we are going to an adoption class/seminar type thing on Saturday morning to learn more about the Antioch Program and how they work.. kinda exciting to be moving forward. Feels a bit unreal at times that we are trying to go down this road, I just wish someone would drop a kid off at our doorstep! lol We have lots of hoops to navigate through in the process.