Thursday night was the night from hell.. 2nd time in my life to get hit with food poisoning and I hope to never see a 3rd!! I started to feel nausea kick in about an hour after I ate dinner and within 2 hours knew it was gonna be one of those nights. We baked a Costco stuffed chicken meal. It came pre-cooked but after Derek took it out of the oven, he microwaved his plate for a few minutes extra and I only microwaved mine for 20 seconds.. I think the stuffed veggies and rice didnt get hot enough in mine and that's why only I got sick :( I dont recall how many trips were made to the bathroom, but it was not pretty. I would describe it as painful, violent, stinky, miserable and just plain exhausting! I spent my off-toilet time on the couch, trying to sip water and 7-up. I think it was maybe 3am or so when I finally was able to start holding my liquids down. At 11am, I drug myself out of bed to feed the horses and then didnt get back up again until 6:30 Friday night and I barely had the energy to move at that. During the day I spent most of it sleeping off/on but when I was awake, I was so lethargic I didnt have it in me to text, watch TV or even listen to music.
Although food poisoning sucks, its a great way to loose 8 pounds quickly!!! One of those every month aught to do it for me... :) lol My full appetite is not back yet, YEAH and it's a good time to maybe create a new appetite.
Saturday I was still feeling weak and tired, but we managed to get up and about, we were on a mission! Our tax refund money was due in the bank within the next 48 hours and it was burning a hole in Derek's pocket.. :) Okay, a mutually planned hole though.. We loaded up Oakley and drove him down to Enumclaw to have him fitted for a Tucker saddle and proceeded to order a new Saddle for Derek, in the right color, style and size he wants.. he's a very happy person!! :) And he's motivated to get out and ride, unfortunately it will be about 30 days before his new saddle will be ready to pick up. I called the bank Monday morning and sure enough our refund had been deposited over the weekend as expected.

Cooper has decided that he does NOT like the houseguest that lives in the guest bathroom mirror! Our houseguest smells like Cooper, looks just like Cooper, moves and barks like Cooper.. guess what Cooper... Its You, silly dog!!
A couple days ago I was in the spare bathroom and Cooper came in (as usual) and for some reason he put his paws up on the countertop.. something he had never tried to do before. He saw his reflection and immediately his body started to shake and quiver, his jowels were shaking in a huffy pre-barking way.. I called Derek over to see this and Cooper went crazy barking at himself.. he was so angry with that damn dog in the mirror. Derek grabbed a handheld mirror and tried to get Cooper to see himself in the smaller mirror and touch that mirror so he might realize it was not another dog, it did help a little but Cooper was still worked up about it.
Sunday as I'm cleaning the kitchen, I heard Cooper barking. Derek was in the computer room and I told him to go outside and see what Cooper was barking at... Derek got up and asked "where is he?" .. well apparently he was not outside, he was in the bathroom yelling at our houseguest!! lol That dog makes me laugh on a weekly basis. Just a week ago, he was upset that he had been confined to the back yard while we had a superbowl gathering.. he decided that pawing at the slider was not working, so he then jumped up on the deck table and sat like a statue staring at us all inside the house, its now the usual place he goes when he gets locked outside! lol
I have not heard back from the guy who had the big appy mare down south, so not sure if she is still available or not.. guess I will try to call this week. There is a big auction down in Hermiston OR this coming weekend, tempting to go. I've never been but almost everyone I know seems to have been at one point. They run multiple sales there every year, just not sure if it is the best place to go looking for the best horse for me, but it sounds fun to maybe go see what kind of horses do come through for future reference.
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