I am really happy about where he is going and hope the buyer will be happy with him too. I've been working as often as I can with him at de-spooking and he's coming along well. He's starting to go through his terrible 2's phase, where he is a bit more testy than before and now that he's more comfortable with people in general, he tries to push his luck. He doesnt get far! :) My work the past few weeks has really been paying off though, he is a lot less jumpy and he now greats me at his stall door eager to get out.
This picture was taken a month ago...

These two pictures were taken a week ago.. he really is starting to look like a horse and not so much like a baby! :) It was POURING rain the day I took these, but I needed to try to get decent pictures of him since people were asking for them! I also took a little bit of video of him lunging around in the pouring rain.. he and I were drowning in it all.
He is also growing too, his butt is up to 15.2h and his withers are at 14.3 I am going to miss him, he is great project to work with, but I am relieved to not have a project right now too. One less thing to stress about.
So on to the horse I was supposed to go see!!! I have been waiting a couple weeks as it is to be able to go see Willy.... He is a 16.1h 1400lb Paint Gelding down in Redmond OR. I have not been wanting to jinx this by mentioning him, but I think he might be a real good prospect for me! His pictures are BEAUTIFUL, he looks amazing for a sorrel and in all honesty, I dont like most sorrels!! But I do like him. He is not an experienced trail horse, actually he hasnt been ridden really outside of an arena and he is only 5.. but from what I have been told, he has the calm temperment I am looking for especially in a horse lacking experience. The seller had to be out of town this past weekend unexpectedly, so we have rescheduled for Saturday.
Our horse club cinammon roll ride is this coming Saturday and I as usual, am baking all the rolls on Friday. Took the day off work, will spend it baking with my mom's help/guidance and then when Derek gets home, we will head out of town down to OR. Spend the night in a hotel, then see Willy in the morning. Oh and I will be dropping the rolls off with a friend to take up for the horse club ride!! :) Bummer I cant be there, but I need to get down and see Willy and be back by Saturday evening so that I can be home Sunday to sell Dexter to his new owner! It will be a long weekend, but hopefully a very fullfilling one!
Here is a picture of Willy taken this year...

I am trying not to get too excited about him, dont want to set myself up to fail and be too eager to buy the wrong horse.
Derek & I went to our first adoption seminar a couple weeks ago, it was very insightful and informative. We probably will not work with the Antioch program simply because I dont think they would work with us! They are a christian based program for christian families and although we tend to follow christian beliefs and lifestyle, we do not attend church and the Antioch program appears to expect that you do. We are going to go to a meeting late April that talks about the WA DSHS foster to adopt program and how we can adopt directly through the state. That last meeting at Antioch really stirred up a lot of emotions for me especially. Hit me like a ton of damn bricks when we left the meeting.. I was a wreck all the way home. But Derek & I talked a lot about our options, what we want etc and we still feel this is the best route for us right now.
Well I'll be in touch with the happenings of the busy weekend ahead. I can hardly wait.. I am excited for all the changes coming our way!!
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