I had contemplated blonde again, but with spending lots of time outside over the next week or more, thought it might be nice to go darker and have less likelyhood of burning my head!
Tomorrow we take Cooper to another hunt test out in Duvall area.. I am running him again, a bit nervous I guess cuz I dont want him to emberass me by not picking up the ducks! But we've been working this week on some duck retrieves and the birds were flat out NASTY!! but with minimal convincing, he brought me the birds. The test birds should be fresh so here's to hoping he picks those up right away!! I am excited though for him to get these 2 passes for his title, at which time I would get dowsed in a bucket of water.. a tradition for title achievements at each level. :)
Next week I leave for the annual Cascade Horse Club Ladies Ride. I'm not super thrilled about the location of the ride, it is up at Harry O in Sedro Wooley, but it's free so I guess thats the draw to it. Being with the ladies is always fun no matter where we are though. I really need to find some time to get prepared... I am bummed that the 2 girlfriends I had invited to come along to ride Oakley are not able to make it, but kinda looking forward to just being responsible for one horse this year and having more room in my trailer to take more stuff! I'm taking Ellie, she and I need some bonding time as she seems to love Derek a bit more these days than myself... 5 days with my little grrr. Looking forward to it all!
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