Thursday, April 18, 2013

Horse Situation Update

So here's the lowdown on the horse situation..

We did drive to Cle Elum to meet Breeze & Nellie.. very sweet girls (horses), very nice people!  with a beautiful OMG amazing log home..  But Breeze & Nellie were lacking a little bit for us, not quite what we are looking for.. I'm sure they are great horses, just not for us right now.  We enjoyed our day together though, was nice to just get out and have some down time. 

I have found a couple other horses that Rachel is going to stop by and see while on her Walla Walla trip this coming weekend.  One is in Walla Walla, the other in Selah (outside Yakima).  She has a new boyfriend from over in WW, so she is over that way often these days and although she is still in a walking boot from her horse-accident, she's going to stop by and meet the horses, see if they are worth the drive over for me.  One is a draft cross gelding, he's 15.2h age 7, with some trail exp.. nice looking horse, asking $3800 for him.  The other is another draft cross, 16.3h mare, age 5 (she would be for me) with some trail miles, excellent video but they want $5000 for her!!  Both horses are MORE than we want to spend on any one horse.. so I'm not getting too excited.. 

The shoers put new corrective shoes on Willie a week ago, he seems to be doing really well.  I have not had a chance to work with him yet or ride him, so I have no idea if he is now sound or atleast sounder than before!  I'm hauling him over to Shannon on Tuesday so she can ride him and help me determine what step I need to take next..  The shoers indicated that he has Navicular Symptoms, that he is not yet Navicular...  They feel he could be worth a couple thousand!  So that made me feel MUCH better and more hopeful at being able to sell him.  I joke around about him and have over the past year, that I like him, dont like him, like him.. etc..  Bottom line, I do like this horse and am very sad about it, not just because of the financial in-the-shorts-loss I am experiencing with him, but because he is a really sweet horse and he doesnt deserve this.  He certainly will not hold up for the riding I want to do, so a new home is a must, but I did shed a tear at the thought of him not working out, so I guess this stone cold horse heart beats a little still..  ;) 

The plan is to get some great pictures of him, hopefully somewhat professional type quality from Rachels daughter, and also get video too, I want to show how sound he is or is not in the video, and get him up for sale.  Might see if I can pay Klay (her son) to ride Willie for a couple weeks, get him back in working mode.. 

Also, Also..  cannot forget the horse trailer!  Derek painted our 2 horse trailer so we could sell it....
Yeah!!  It looked brand new..  he is amazing!!  I had spoken with a trailer dealer and he indicated I could ask as high as $5500 which was a surprise.. so I listed it for $5300; 4 days later it sold for $5,000!!  The gal sent her dad (from Snohomish) on Sunday to look at it, since she lived in Wenatchee.. she called later and made a committment to come buy it the next day.  She shows up with her dad/mom and says to me "You look familiar and your name seems familiar"...  well I graduated Snohomish 91, she graduated 84 I think it was.. so it wasnt that..  She then says "do you know Shana?"  Why yes, yes I do know my cousin Shana!!  lol  So Shana's best friend is Dottie, who our whole family knows pretty well..  Well apparently Rhonda (gal from Wenatchee) is Dottie's Sister!!  Small World... 

I am pretty happy about the trailer deal though..  We bought our 97 Circle J 3-horse trailer for $3600, put another $1400 into it via new tires, licensing and having the wiring fixed..  so out of pocket so far is $5000 for that trailer..  Cant believe we just did an equal swap and we now have a bigger trailer for the same price!!  Derek seems pretty motivated to paint this trailer sooner than later.. we still have a few minor things to fix but we got very very lucky in finding a seller that didnt realize she undersold her trailer by atleast $1000!

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