Well lets start with the bad news and look up from there.. Dana's wife Terri passed away a few days ago. Sounds like a memorial/funeral will be set back a couple weeks to allow for family to be able to be in town, we are thinking of them often.
Okay, so I know I am always talkin about riding and my irrational fears, but dammit if we didnt ride on Sunday off the Dubuque Rd and come across a bear in the bushes! I wish I did not have these fears of wild creatures, but I can say that although my heart was going to leap out of my throat, I did feel a tiny, miniscule better knowing Derek could protect me! :) We are riding along and I hear some noises like some leaves are blowing in the wind and along with that I am hearing some snack crackle and popping of branches and leaves in the woods to the right of us. I am trying desperately to ignore what I am hearing, but damn if Derek didnt hear the same thing and stop his horse! A part of me wanted to pretend I was not hearing it and just keep on moving so I wouldnt have to think too much about what I was actually hearing.. lol Yes you can shake your head at me.. I am doing it myself! So anways, this "bear" walks along snap crackle pop, then stops, then walks along, snap crackle pop.. stop... snap crackle pop.. stop.. and on and on. We finally just asked the horses to keep going, clearly the bear was in no hurry to run away as I'm talking very loudly about useless things, just to be sure his path led him in the opposite direction of our trail. We never did see the bear, but no other animal would make so much noise.. well okay maybe Sasquatch! There is a possibility it was him.. I mean we didnt see it.. so who knows!!!!
Hmm.. what the heck did we do Saturday... I know we did something... Am I getting that scenile that I cant even remember 4 days ago, clearly that is the case because I dont know what we did.. OH wait! I know what I did.. I spent the entire day inside the house cleaning! lol No wonder I couldnt remember that.. who blogs about cleaning their house..
I know it is ALL over the internet right now from the folks living in the NW, but it is BLAZIN HOT and well it's just miserable at times!! We are breakin records here people.. I am puttin it out there so in the future I can look back and read this and remember.. OH Yeah, THAT was the year it was so hot and dry! lol I'm blogging this for future reference.. take note. We have had VERY little rain since spring. The temps reached 100+ yesterday and will be doing the same today and most likely tomorrow. I dont love the heat, but over the last few years I am getting more used to it, the problem with this heat though is that our animals are not used to it either and it is just too hot to take the horses out for a ride, unless one got up at 5am! I'd love to go for an afternoon ride, but at 90+ and with horses that havent been ridden much this year, they might just suffer from heat exhaustion.
Oh and finally we had a great BBQ on Sunday at our place for Shana's Bday and although too hot to play badmitton in the sun, we had quite a few games of ladder golf played and then an hour or more playing Apples to Apples!! If you havent played that game, you've got to! Its even funner with a few drinks in ya.. lol A great family game.
We have officially given up on Derek's saddle fitting Oakley.. it is out on trial with a friend (Hi Arlene!!) and I hope it fits her and her horse so we can start the process of finding a new saddle for Derek. Ta Ta for now...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Family News
We received word that Dereks brother Dana, well his wife Terri's heart stopped beating on Monday for 17 minutes and she is now in a coma with failing kidneys. Apparently a week ago, she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and then this happened. Derek & I are very sad for Dana and his family.
A Day at the Lake..
Saturday afternoon was the horse club Ice Cream Social at the Scherrer Ranch in Granite Falls, they own a private lake and the weather was perfect for BBQing, Socializing, playing games , boating and playing in the water. Derek decided he was going to give skiing/wakeboarding a try, something he had never tried before. In the back of my head, I wanted to try it too but I knew if he couldnt do it, then I probably couldnt do it. ;)
Originally he wanted to wakeboard first, but this is all he could accomplish when in the water with the board, just hovering over it. He could not get the board on his feet while he was in the water.....

Here's a quick video of his 1st (and last for the day) attempt at skiing, see for yourself how it turned out...
He then tried wakeboarding off the dock, here are his attempts at that...
I decided to go behind the boat with a big tube and that was a blast! I held the tube to my chest and jumped off the dock, hoping to land in the water with me laying on top of the tube, HAH that was a big flop as I bounced off the tube and rolled off into the water! As I swam to the boat I realized by lifevest was hindering me quite a bit (so I took it off) and thought.. well maybe I should just sit in the tube, so I plopped back with my butt landing in the tube hole and then I plopped right on out, backwards, did a complete backwards sumersault underwater! It was pretty damn funny I'm sure!!! So I got back on the boat again and gingerly laid on the tube this time and held on for dear life!!! John wizzed me around that lake, I almost came off around one of the corners, the entire time I was thinking "how dumb is this, you are having a blast and it is going to be the last thing you do because if you fall off, you might just drown". Children, do NOT try this at home, you should wear your lifevest at all times!!! I knew I could swim if I came off the tube, it's just that initial falling off and being under water for a few seconds that is scary... but I didnt fall off and my arm muscles paid the price for staying on! lol
We spent the night at the Scherrers with our kids, had a nice evening and a great breakfast the next day. Pretty much spent Sunday being lazy, we were tired and just drained. It might have only been a 24 hour vacation, but it was nice to get out and have some fun with good friends. Besides it's been too hot to fish or ride horses lately and although the boys are getting new shoes today, I dont know that it will be cool enough to ride anytime soon, might need to wait for a full moon and ride at midnight if this keeps up! ;)
Originally he wanted to wakeboard first, but this is all he could accomplish when in the water with the board, just hovering over it. He could not get the board on his feet while he was in the water.....
so he decided to try skiing, he needed assistance getting his skiis on as you can see here..
Here's a quick video of his 1st (and last for the day) attempt at skiing, see for yourself how it turned out...
He then tried wakeboarding off the dock, here are his attempts at that...
Attempt #1
Attempt #2 (the final attempt lol)
I decided to go behind the boat with a big tube and that was a blast! I held the tube to my chest and jumped off the dock, hoping to land in the water with me laying on top of the tube, HAH that was a big flop as I bounced off the tube and rolled off into the water! As I swam to the boat I realized by lifevest was hindering me quite a bit (so I took it off) and thought.. well maybe I should just sit in the tube, so I plopped back with my butt landing in the tube hole and then I plopped right on out, backwards, did a complete backwards sumersault underwater! It was pretty damn funny I'm sure!!! So I got back on the boat again and gingerly laid on the tube this time and held on for dear life!!! John wizzed me around that lake, I almost came off around one of the corners, the entire time I was thinking "how dumb is this, you are having a blast and it is going to be the last thing you do because if you fall off, you might just drown". Children, do NOT try this at home, you should wear your lifevest at all times!!! I knew I could swim if I came off the tube, it's just that initial falling off and being under water for a few seconds that is scary... but I didnt fall off and my arm muscles paid the price for staying on! lol
We spent the night at the Scherrers with our kids, had a nice evening and a great breakfast the next day. Pretty much spent Sunday being lazy, we were tired and just drained. It might have only been a 24 hour vacation, but it was nice to get out and have some fun with good friends. Besides it's been too hot to fish or ride horses lately and although the boys are getting new shoes today, I dont know that it will be cool enough to ride anytime soon, might need to wait for a full moon and ride at midnight if this keeps up! ;)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I think it's time to admit it...
that it is very likely that Derek's saddle does not fit his horse! :( :(
Oakley unfortunately has developed white hairs on his withers, both sides... I am just sick about it because they will never go away at this point, they are noticeable AND it means we have to start this process of saddle searching which sucks! Part of me wants to believe that maybe Derek's saddle fits fine and it is my saddle and my weight that doesnt work on Oakley. I think we'll have to go out for another trail ride with Derek in his own saddle and see how the sweat marks appear after the ride, if his shoulders are dry, we are gonna have to get a new saddle.
I know Derek does NOT want to hear that, he loves his saddle, but it is incredibly embarassing to have our 5yr old horse with white scarring on him. I may have Derek try our other saddles on Oakley as well, he'll hate that (they are not padded!) but we can always buy him a gel pad to put on his seat. Bummer.. I am just bummed today
On the flip side, I am very happy to have my boys back home!!!! They'll be home for a week or so, until the grass dissappears again. I went out this morning and sat on the deck, watching them eat.. just because! :)
Flip back to the bad side of things.. Edgar is limping again! Nothing major actually, I felt it when I rode him about 10 days ago and can see it when he trots. Remember when I rode with my cousin Shana a couple weeks ago, well Edgar had pulled back while tied to the trailer (he had a blonde moment!) and after he did that, he was limping but we rode anyways and he loosened up, so I know he strained one of his back legs that day and he's still a little off from that. This is just NOT his year!!! I will ride him though, it is minor and it's not like I'm out riding all the time right now anyways, it's too Blazin HOT!! ;)
Oakley unfortunately has developed white hairs on his withers, both sides... I am just sick about it because they will never go away at this point, they are noticeable AND it means we have to start this process of saddle searching which sucks! Part of me wants to believe that maybe Derek's saddle fits fine and it is my saddle and my weight that doesnt work on Oakley. I think we'll have to go out for another trail ride with Derek in his own saddle and see how the sweat marks appear after the ride, if his shoulders are dry, we are gonna have to get a new saddle.
I know Derek does NOT want to hear that, he loves his saddle, but it is incredibly embarassing to have our 5yr old horse with white scarring on him. I may have Derek try our other saddles on Oakley as well, he'll hate that (they are not padded!) but we can always buy him a gel pad to put on his seat. Bummer.. I am just bummed today
On the flip side, I am very happy to have my boys back home!!!! They'll be home for a week or so, until the grass dissappears again. I went out this morning and sat on the deck, watching them eat.. just because! :)
Flip back to the bad side of things.. Edgar is limping again! Nothing major actually, I felt it when I rode him about 10 days ago and can see it when he trots. Remember when I rode with my cousin Shana a couple weeks ago, well Edgar had pulled back while tied to the trailer (he had a blonde moment!) and after he did that, he was limping but we rode anyways and he loosened up, so I know he strained one of his back legs that day and he's still a little off from that. This is just NOT his year!!! I will ride him though, it is minor and it's not like I'm out riding all the time right now anyways, it's too Blazin HOT!! ;)
Friday, July 17, 2009
Slackin Lately!
Okay, sorry I havent been on here in 10 days or so... :) Life has just been one big bottle of stress lately and I think I see the light finally.
Just to run through this quickly, we didnt get the loan (of course not) from the lender that screwed us on the appraisal. We did get qualified for an FHA loan with the previous lender we had been working with but after an hour of discussion last night with Derek and an hour today of calculating ALL costs on this new loan in Excel here is what we found.. In order to save ourselves $150/month, it will cost us $20,000 in loan fees (which will take us 10 years! to recover on a 30 year loan) and after 30 years with this loan, we will have saved only $37,000 total.. Hell that is hardly worth it.. who knows where we will be in 10 years, eventually I'd love to get more property, although I love my place..
So the solution for now: Eliminate our escrow payment from our loan which will save us an immediate $585/month! Yes we will have to find $2000 in 3 months to cover our property taxes, but we'll make it work and find a way. From now on, we'll pay our property taxes with our income tax return and not have to worry about escrow. WHAT A F*ING RELIEF to finally figure this mess all out and find some room to breathe...
Maybe now that this will be behind us, we can get back to riding! I rode a week ago with Wendy, went and explored the trails off Dubuque Rd and found the largest pile of Bear Shit I have ever seen!!! Made me quite nervous actually for the ride, there were lots of piles, but that one pile really had my head spinnin :)
I camped out Friday night by myself (well okay, there were other people camping as well) but Derek and the dogs were at home. There was a regional prize ride (screeeeech.....) sorry, we couldnt call it a prize ride, it was a Ride Challenge Fundraiser with Donations. lol I helped all day in registration, got to talk with a lot of people. The ride was to raise money to maintain the trailhead there outside Sedro Woolley at Harry O. I've only ridden there a few times, it had been atleast 5 years since I had been there last. The ride challenge seemed like a GREAT idea and everyone seemed to really like the change. I had wished I was riding it, but I was needed in registration so I felt good that I could help out.
As I drove home, I realized how much I missed horse camping! I havent been in almost 2 years, the last camping trip I did was with Carrie when we went to Easton in Oct 07, just a month before she died. With building the house last year, it just was not really an option, plus my head was not in it last year, actually it is amazing to think back to the building process and although it was almost exactly a year ago that we finished with everything, I dont really recall that summer/year much. I wish I had started blogging earlier in the year last year, so I could go back and remind myself what that year was like, it is all just a blurr to me now. It is weird to think back like that and feel like you have lost so much time, but yet I was so busy. I think the busyness helped get me through.
Okay sap sap, I will move on... ;) But back to where I started, I realized while camping that I missed that feeling of being independant and going out for a weekend and having it just be "me" time again. Not that I dont love camping with Derek, dont get me wrong, but it felt good to remember I can do things on my own and I feel pretty darn good doing it!
My parents bought a boat, a little fishing boat... We have had such bad luck with our boat as far as NOT catching any fish, I told my dad that if we, my parents and Eric/Andrea all go out to the same lake and they all 4 catch fish while we get skunked again, I'm throwing someone overboard, I think I'll go postal.. lol I'm actually excited to get out and do some fishin with my folks, it is something we have not done together as a family in... oh man, I dont even know how long its been, probably atleast 20+ years! I'd love to get them out camping as well, it would be fun for the 6 of us to go out, maybe invite some other friends, but not sure my parents are up to camping in a tent!!! I have a cot my dad could use, or they could get an airmattress, those are pretty comfy.. they even make those ones that are super tall so it's easier to get in/out of.
Oh and my brother and Andrea are official homeowners!!! YEAH.. I am over my jealously of their new place.. okay well not quite. But I'm working on it. They have a GREAT level 5 acre partially fenced property, a rental apartment, a barn (although gutted but easily reconverted) and then the main house is very charming.. :) Apparently too they can walk down their road to a nice manicured trail down to the river! and they'll get a key to a gate so they can drive to the river bank which is supposedly sandy and very nice.. I know their 2 dogs will LOVE going to the river.. I think we'll have to invite ourselves over often.. lol But all jealously aside, I am VERY VERY happy for them, this is a great house. It is big enough for children down the road and many farm animals to come.
Just to run through this quickly, we didnt get the loan (of course not) from the lender that screwed us on the appraisal. We did get qualified for an FHA loan with the previous lender we had been working with but after an hour of discussion last night with Derek and an hour today of calculating ALL costs on this new loan in Excel here is what we found.. In order to save ourselves $150/month, it will cost us $20,000 in loan fees (which will take us 10 years! to recover on a 30 year loan) and after 30 years with this loan, we will have saved only $37,000 total.. Hell that is hardly worth it.. who knows where we will be in 10 years, eventually I'd love to get more property, although I love my place..
So the solution for now: Eliminate our escrow payment from our loan which will save us an immediate $585/month! Yes we will have to find $2000 in 3 months to cover our property taxes, but we'll make it work and find a way. From now on, we'll pay our property taxes with our income tax return and not have to worry about escrow. WHAT A F*ING RELIEF to finally figure this mess all out and find some room to breathe...
Maybe now that this will be behind us, we can get back to riding! I rode a week ago with Wendy, went and explored the trails off Dubuque Rd and found the largest pile of Bear Shit I have ever seen!!! Made me quite nervous actually for the ride, there were lots of piles, but that one pile really had my head spinnin :)
I camped out Friday night by myself (well okay, there were other people camping as well) but Derek and the dogs were at home. There was a regional prize ride (screeeeech.....) sorry, we couldnt call it a prize ride, it was a Ride Challenge Fundraiser with Donations. lol I helped all day in registration, got to talk with a lot of people. The ride was to raise money to maintain the trailhead there outside Sedro Woolley at Harry O. I've only ridden there a few times, it had been atleast 5 years since I had been there last. The ride challenge seemed like a GREAT idea and everyone seemed to really like the change. I had wished I was riding it, but I was needed in registration so I felt good that I could help out.
As I drove home, I realized how much I missed horse camping! I havent been in almost 2 years, the last camping trip I did was with Carrie when we went to Easton in Oct 07, just a month before she died. With building the house last year, it just was not really an option, plus my head was not in it last year, actually it is amazing to think back to the building process and although it was almost exactly a year ago that we finished with everything, I dont really recall that summer/year much. I wish I had started blogging earlier in the year last year, so I could go back and remind myself what that year was like, it is all just a blurr to me now. It is weird to think back like that and feel like you have lost so much time, but yet I was so busy. I think the busyness helped get me through.
Okay sap sap, I will move on... ;) But back to where I started, I realized while camping that I missed that feeling of being independant and going out for a weekend and having it just be "me" time again. Not that I dont love camping with Derek, dont get me wrong, but it felt good to remember I can do things on my own and I feel pretty darn good doing it!
My parents bought a boat, a little fishing boat... We have had such bad luck with our boat as far as NOT catching any fish, I told my dad that if we, my parents and Eric/Andrea all go out to the same lake and they all 4 catch fish while we get skunked again, I'm throwing someone overboard, I think I'll go postal.. lol I'm actually excited to get out and do some fishin with my folks, it is something we have not done together as a family in... oh man, I dont even know how long its been, probably atleast 20+ years! I'd love to get them out camping as well, it would be fun for the 6 of us to go out, maybe invite some other friends, but not sure my parents are up to camping in a tent!!! I have a cot my dad could use, or they could get an airmattress, those are pretty comfy.. they even make those ones that are super tall so it's easier to get in/out of.
Oh and my brother and Andrea are official homeowners!!! YEAH.. I am over my jealously of their new place.. okay well not quite. But I'm working on it. They have a GREAT level 5 acre partially fenced property, a rental apartment, a barn (although gutted but easily reconverted) and then the main house is very charming.. :) Apparently too they can walk down their road to a nice manicured trail down to the river! and they'll get a key to a gate so they can drive to the river bank which is supposedly sandy and very nice.. I know their 2 dogs will LOVE going to the river.. I think we'll have to invite ourselves over often.. lol But all jealously aside, I am VERY VERY happy for them, this is a great house. It is big enough for children down the road and many farm animals to come.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The appraisal came back $35,000 less than the one 6 months ago! although I think the guy that came out this time really under-valued our property as his comparisons were NOT horse property at all!! Non of them had a shop and/or a barn and the houses were older.. so how is it my house is valued the same as them when I have a lot more to offer at my property.. BS is what it is, so of course the lender cant help us because now the LTV is WAY too high!!
We are considering now taking on a renter, we found a couple that wants to put their 5th wheel on a property to live in, so we are thinking about it and talking with them. We dont know them, I saw an ad they posted looking for somewhere to live... not exactly ideal, but we can get a few hundred bucks in our pocket. If that doesnt work out, we might have to consider renting out a bedroom. This other couple would want access to the house for showering and laundry, I just dont know... maybe we need to meet them and make a decision.
My co-worker (who lives in Spokane and gets all his auto fuel/expenses/vehicle covered by the company) just smirks at me and says to me "well this is why I have a house that we can afford if one of us looses our job" I said to him "well if I lived in Spokane and didnt have horses, I could probably do the same damn thing, but I'd like to see you find a house in Sno Co that is not a POS that you and your family can afford on 1 income!!!"
I guess we just suck it up, sacrifice and do what we can... maybe we should "miss" our mortgage payment for a couple months and let our bank restructure our loan to get a lower interest rate! I can completely understand how people are becoming homeless and loosing everything, makes me appreciate what I can still afford, just sucks to be in this situation and feel like there is not much of a way out right now. Maybe I should look for a new job with better pay... HA unlikely that exists right now! :)
We are considering now taking on a renter, we found a couple that wants to put their 5th wheel on a property to live in, so we are thinking about it and talking with them. We dont know them, I saw an ad they posted looking for somewhere to live... not exactly ideal, but we can get a few hundred bucks in our pocket. If that doesnt work out, we might have to consider renting out a bedroom. This other couple would want access to the house for showering and laundry, I just dont know... maybe we need to meet them and make a decision.
My co-worker (who lives in Spokane and gets all his auto fuel/expenses/vehicle covered by the company) just smirks at me and says to me "well this is why I have a house that we can afford if one of us looses our job" I said to him "well if I lived in Spokane and didnt have horses, I could probably do the same damn thing, but I'd like to see you find a house in Sno Co that is not a POS that you and your family can afford on 1 income!!!"
I guess we just suck it up, sacrifice and do what we can... maybe we should "miss" our mortgage payment for a couple months and let our bank restructure our loan to get a lower interest rate! I can completely understand how people are becoming homeless and loosing everything, makes me appreciate what I can still afford, just sucks to be in this situation and feel like there is not much of a way out right now. Maybe I should look for a new job with better pay... HA unlikely that exists right now! :)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Sharing a Picture
Monday, July 6, 2009
All Work, not much Play :)
I took a 4-day weekend over the 4th of July... just because I could! :)
The only day I spent riding was on Thursday at Lords Hill with some friends, invited my cousin Shana who I grew up riding with but she has only ridden 1 time in the past 11 years. She rode Edgar and I was very happy to see she was able to get on him just fine with just the stool... she's a limber one that Shana, she is shorter than me, we had to laugh histerically when we saw the stirrups up to their highest hole on Edgar, looked like a midget was about to ride him! lol But when she got on, she didnt look like a midget, he's just so flippin fat right now, he had a cow when I cinched up his back-cinch, he actually "blew up" for a minute, I had to punch extra holes to get it to fit.
We spent the remainder of the weekend working on the shed, which is about 75% done now. Derek almost fell off the roof! It was actually before the roof was up, he was standing on the top of the wall, which is over 8' up and a brace board gave out and fell, which caused him to go "OH SHIT" (probably just as much almost literally shit as it was vocalized) lol He had to jump from one wall over to the next, did the whole leaning forward arms flapping like a bird to avoid falling forward and to what would have been a very big "OUCH" I screamed, mom screamed, dad didnt know what was going on! lol Thank Goodness he was OKAY, he climbed down shortly after that. Because we were so motivated to get that done, we did not spend any more time in the saddle or on a lake..
damn boat, it is jinxed anyways! It actually was far too hot to really get out and ride or fish, unless you were motivated to get up super early or ride really late afternoon. We spent the 4th in Marysville with old friends, not sure we will do that again! Actually we both enjoyed the socializing part of the BBQ, but I especially could have done without the fireworks! It reminded us why we were SOOO glad to NOT live there anymore!! It was WWI II and III, maybe even IV out there! I sat in the front yard, watching the fireworks, nervous as all could be. I didnt realize what a flippin freak/nut/nervous nelly I was until that night when it came to home-fireworks.
I've never really loved them, I enjoy the big shows that are off in the distance.. but I was really uneasy and not lovin it! I joked that I wished I had an umbrella I was so worried about something landing on me, there were fireworks going off from about every 3rd house and these are the neighborhoods where you can hand milk to your neighbor from your bedroom window to their window!! ;) So anyways, after a few minutes, something fell from the sky and hit me on the shoulder!!! :( Have you ever read the story of Chicken Lickin?? She's the chicken that thinks the sky is falling and goes all crazy, yeah well I was doing all I could to keep my ass planted in my chair after being hit with something..
.... then 15 minutes later a VERY LOUD boom happens right behind us, in the tree I swear (well thats what one of the guys said that it was in the tree that I was sitting somewhat under/in front of) well the boom happens and a second later I am showered in debris!! OMG, nothing hot or on fire, but the shit was in my hair, I swear to you I was about to have a heart attack. I did NOT want to be the damn whimp weany girl that goes in the house, so I thought.. Okay, one more thing hits me and I'm going inside the damn house. I wasnt even watching the show at this point anyways, I was focused so hard on the stuff they were lighting, I was too afraid to look up and get firecrackers in my eyes... lol
I can hear you laughing at me as I type this.. Another 10 minutes goes by and I'm going nuts inside my own brain, I couldnt tolerate it any more, I was freakin out. Call me a sissy, I dont care, I went in the house and sat on the couch by myself! After a while I had some company, I didnt need company, I couldnt see the fireworks through the window, there was a tree blocking. But I could see the guys standing in the street by the car and about 15 minutes after being inside, a big firework fell over, was shooting at everyone in sight! Derek ran for cover, moms are covering their children.. one guy had to run up to the firework apparently and swung at it with his hand as it was shooting directly at some cars.. It was pure chaos and then it was over, everyone outside was laughing.. hahahaha.. F That! I am SOOO thankful I did not wait for the 3rd strike of fireworks to hit me.. I think the fireworks continued for another 45 minutes atleast.
We had a good time, next year if we hang with this crowd, we'll go over and socialize and then just leave around 8 and head to Monroe to watch the nice show at the fairgrounds where I'm not going to get showered in debris and I can actually ENJOY the show!! Not sure what my fears/anxiety was all about, guess I've been out in the country too long... but I'm not complaining.
The poor dog, we came home and Russell's legs were green!! hehehe.. he ran himself ragged, he cut a path in the grass that was NOT there before that night! We realized the next morning too that he had lost his voice.. it was so sad to hear him try to bark, he was very upet/embarrassed about it too. His voice is slowly coming back, but he's not 100% yet. It actually is kinda nice to have a softer tone to his damn bark, which can be so ear piercing!
I got some pics of the shed and the dogs this weekend.. Oh and the appraiser came out on Thursday evening and we hope to have the results tomorrow. I tried very hard to pursued him to see things my way, maybe I should have offered him some cash.....

Well Hello!!
The only day I spent riding was on Thursday at Lords Hill with some friends, invited my cousin Shana who I grew up riding with but she has only ridden 1 time in the past 11 years. She rode Edgar and I was very happy to see she was able to get on him just fine with just the stool... she's a limber one that Shana, she is shorter than me, we had to laugh histerically when we saw the stirrups up to their highest hole on Edgar, looked like a midget was about to ride him! lol But when she got on, she didnt look like a midget, he's just so flippin fat right now, he had a cow when I cinched up his back-cinch, he actually "blew up" for a minute, I had to punch extra holes to get it to fit.
We spent the remainder of the weekend working on the shed, which is about 75% done now. Derek almost fell off the roof! It was actually before the roof was up, he was standing on the top of the wall, which is over 8' up and a brace board gave out and fell, which caused him to go "OH SHIT" (probably just as much almost literally shit as it was vocalized) lol He had to jump from one wall over to the next, did the whole leaning forward arms flapping like a bird to avoid falling forward and to what would have been a very big "OUCH" I screamed, mom screamed, dad didnt know what was going on! lol Thank Goodness he was OKAY, he climbed down shortly after that. Because we were so motivated to get that done, we did not spend any more time in the saddle or on a lake..
damn boat, it is jinxed anyways! It actually was far too hot to really get out and ride or fish, unless you were motivated to get up super early or ride really late afternoon. We spent the 4th in Marysville with old friends, not sure we will do that again! Actually we both enjoyed the socializing part of the BBQ, but I especially could have done without the fireworks! It reminded us why we were SOOO glad to NOT live there anymore!! It was WWI II and III, maybe even IV out there! I sat in the front yard, watching the fireworks, nervous as all could be. I didnt realize what a flippin freak/nut/nervous nelly I was until that night when it came to home-fireworks.
I've never really loved them, I enjoy the big shows that are off in the distance.. but I was really uneasy and not lovin it! I joked that I wished I had an umbrella I was so worried about something landing on me, there were fireworks going off from about every 3rd house and these are the neighborhoods where you can hand milk to your neighbor from your bedroom window to their window!! ;) So anyways, after a few minutes, something fell from the sky and hit me on the shoulder!!! :( Have you ever read the story of Chicken Lickin?? She's the chicken that thinks the sky is falling and goes all crazy, yeah well I was doing all I could to keep my ass planted in my chair after being hit with something..
.... then 15 minutes later a VERY LOUD boom happens right behind us, in the tree I swear (well thats what one of the guys said that it was in the tree that I was sitting somewhat under/in front of) well the boom happens and a second later I am showered in debris!! OMG, nothing hot or on fire, but the shit was in my hair, I swear to you I was about to have a heart attack. I did NOT want to be the damn whimp weany girl that goes in the house, so I thought.. Okay, one more thing hits me and I'm going inside the damn house. I wasnt even watching the show at this point anyways, I was focused so hard on the stuff they were lighting, I was too afraid to look up and get firecrackers in my eyes... lol
I can hear you laughing at me as I type this.. Another 10 minutes goes by and I'm going nuts inside my own brain, I couldnt tolerate it any more, I was freakin out. Call me a sissy, I dont care, I went in the house and sat on the couch by myself! After a while I had some company, I didnt need company, I couldnt see the fireworks through the window, there was a tree blocking. But I could see the guys standing in the street by the car and about 15 minutes after being inside, a big firework fell over, was shooting at everyone in sight! Derek ran for cover, moms are covering their children.. one guy had to run up to the firework apparently and swung at it with his hand as it was shooting directly at some cars.. It was pure chaos and then it was over, everyone outside was laughing.. hahahaha.. F That! I am SOOO thankful I did not wait for the 3rd strike of fireworks to hit me.. I think the fireworks continued for another 45 minutes atleast.
We had a good time, next year if we hang with this crowd, we'll go over and socialize and then just leave around 8 and head to Monroe to watch the nice show at the fairgrounds where I'm not going to get showered in debris and I can actually ENJOY the show!! Not sure what my fears/anxiety was all about, guess I've been out in the country too long... but I'm not complaining.
The poor dog, we came home and Russell's legs were green!! hehehe.. he ran himself ragged, he cut a path in the grass that was NOT there before that night! We realized the next morning too that he had lost his voice.. it was so sad to hear him try to bark, he was very upet/embarrassed about it too. His voice is slowly coming back, but he's not 100% yet. It actually is kinda nice to have a softer tone to his damn bark, which can be so ear piercing!
I got some pics of the shed and the dogs this weekend.. Oh and the appraiser came out on Thursday evening and we hope to have the results tomorrow. I tried very hard to pursued him to see things my way, maybe I should have offered him some cash.....
Well Hello!!
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