Thursday, July 9, 2009


The appraisal came back $35,000 less than the one 6 months ago! although I think the guy that came out this time really under-valued our property as his comparisons were NOT horse property at all!! Non of them had a shop and/or a barn and the houses were older.. so how is it my house is valued the same as them when I have a lot more to offer at my property.. BS is what it is, so of course the lender cant help us because now the LTV is WAY too high!!

We are considering now taking on a renter, we found a couple that wants to put their 5th wheel on a property to live in, so we are thinking about it and talking with them. We dont know them, I saw an ad they posted looking for somewhere to live... not exactly ideal, but we can get a few hundred bucks in our pocket. If that doesnt work out, we might have to consider renting out a bedroom. This other couple would want access to the house for showering and laundry, I just dont know... maybe we need to meet them and make a decision.

My co-worker (who lives in Spokane and gets all his auto fuel/expenses/vehicle covered by the company) just smirks at me and says to me "well this is why I have a house that we can afford if one of us looses our job" I said to him "well if I lived in Spokane and didnt have horses, I could probably do the same damn thing, but I'd like to see you find a house in Sno Co that is not a POS that you and your family can afford on 1 income!!!"

I guess we just suck it up, sacrifice and do what we can... maybe we should "miss" our mortgage payment for a couple months and let our bank restructure our loan to get a lower interest rate! I can completely understand how people are becoming homeless and loosing everything, makes me appreciate what I can still afford, just sucks to be in this situation and feel like there is not much of a way out right now. Maybe I should look for a new job with better pay... HA unlikely that exists right now! :)

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