The only day I spent riding was on Thursday at Lords Hill with some friends, invited my cousin Shana who I grew up riding with but she has only ridden 1 time in the past 11 years. She rode Edgar and I was very happy to see she was able to get on him just fine with just the stool... she's a limber one that Shana, she is shorter than me, we had to laugh histerically when we saw the stirrups up to their highest hole on Edgar, looked like a midget was about to ride him! lol But when she got on, she didnt look like a midget, he's just so flippin fat right now, he had a cow when I cinched up his back-cinch, he actually "blew up" for a minute, I had to punch extra holes to get it to fit.
We spent the remainder of the weekend working on the shed, which is about 75% done now. Derek almost fell off the roof! It was actually before the roof was up, he was standing on the top of the wall, which is over 8' up and a brace board gave out and fell, which caused him to go "OH SHIT" (probably just as much almost literally shit as it was vocalized) lol He had to jump from one wall over to the next, did the whole leaning forward arms flapping like a bird to avoid falling forward and to what would have been a very big "OUCH" I screamed, mom screamed, dad didnt know what was going on! lol Thank Goodness he was OKAY, he climbed down shortly after that. Because we were so motivated to get that done, we did not spend any more time in the saddle or on a lake..
damn boat, it is jinxed anyways! It actually was far too hot to really get out and ride or fish, unless you were motivated to get up super early or ride really late afternoon. We spent the 4th in Marysville with old friends, not sure we will do that again! Actually we both enjoyed the socializing part of the BBQ, but I especially could have done without the fireworks! It reminded us why we were SOOO glad to NOT live there anymore!! It was WWI II and III, maybe even IV out there! I sat in the front yard, watching the fireworks, nervous as all could be. I didnt realize what a flippin freak/nut/nervous nelly I was until that night when it came to home-fireworks.
I've never really loved them, I enjoy the big shows that are off in the distance.. but I was really uneasy and not lovin it! I joked that I wished I had an umbrella I was so worried about something landing on me, there were fireworks going off from about every 3rd house and these are the neighborhoods where you can hand milk to your neighbor from your bedroom window to their window!! ;) So anyways, after a few minutes, something fell from the sky and hit me on the shoulder!!! :( Have you ever read the story of Chicken Lickin?? She's the chicken that thinks the sky is falling and goes all crazy, yeah well I was doing all I could to keep my ass planted in my chair after being hit with something..
.... then 15 minutes later a VERY LOUD boom happens right behind us, in the tree I swear (well thats what one of the guys said that it was in the tree that I was sitting somewhat under/in front of) well the boom happens and a second later I am showered in debris!! OMG, nothing hot or on fire, but the shit was in my hair, I swear to you I was about to have a heart attack. I did NOT want to be the damn whimp weany girl that goes in the house, so I thought.. Okay, one more thing hits me and I'm going inside the damn house. I wasnt even watching the show at this point anyways, I was focused so hard on the stuff they were lighting, I was too afraid to look up and get firecrackers in my eyes... lol
I can hear you laughing at me as I type this.. Another 10 minutes goes by and I'm going nuts inside my own brain, I couldnt tolerate it any more, I was freakin out. Call me a sissy, I dont care, I went in the house and sat on the couch by myself! After a while I had some company, I didnt need company, I couldnt see the fireworks through the window, there was a tree blocking. But I could see the guys standing in the street by the car and about 15 minutes after being inside, a big firework fell over, was shooting at everyone in sight! Derek ran for cover, moms are covering their children.. one guy had to run up to the firework apparently and swung at it with his hand as it was shooting directly at some cars.. It was pure chaos and then it was over, everyone outside was laughing.. hahahaha.. F That! I am SOOO thankful I did not wait for the 3rd strike of fireworks to hit me.. I think the fireworks continued for another 45 minutes atleast.
We had a good time, next year if we hang with this crowd, we'll go over and socialize and then just leave around 8 and head to Monroe to watch the nice show at the fairgrounds where I'm not going to get showered in debris and I can actually ENJOY the show!! Not sure what my fears/anxiety was all about, guess I've been out in the country too long... but I'm not complaining.
The poor dog, we came home and Russell's legs were green!! hehehe.. he ran himself ragged, he cut a path in the grass that was NOT there before that night! We realized the next morning too that he had lost his voice.. it was so sad to hear him try to bark, he was very upet/embarrassed about it too. His voice is slowly coming back, but he's not 100% yet. It actually is kinda nice to have a softer tone to his damn bark, which can be so ear piercing!
I got some pics of the shed and the dogs this weekend.. Oh and the appraiser came out on Thursday evening and we hope to have the results tomorrow. I tried very hard to pursued him to see things my way, maybe I should have offered him some cash.....
Well Hello!!
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