Felt great to be out/about and have an active weekend! Unfortunately did NOT get in ANY riding... The weather was perfect, but my horse was a couple hours south for the past few days with Shannon so he was not around.
The neighbor girls did come over and ride Oakley on Friday. I really need a covered arena!! I would have been able to let the girls ride much longer, but since I need to be there to supervise, I couldnt take the bugs any longer and after about 20 minutes, I had to tell them time was up. It is disgusting!! The little damn no-see-ums were all up in my face and nostrils and behind my sunglasses.. Maybe I will start going out there with an umbrella, those little bugs dont seem to bug ya when you are under shelter... Might have to try that.
Oakley's been a little bit persnickity, his energy level is up and I am not trusting him 100%. The girls are doing fine with him and I'm not worried about him bucking or anything, but he walks pretty fast and doesnt always listen to their light subtle cues.. I want to be able to guide them and teach them how to ride him better, but these damn bugs.... GRRR, frustrating.

Saturday I spent half the day working on the garage and organizing my tack and horse gear.. This is only about 1/2 of the job. Still have more to do, I think I underestimated how much space I was going to need.... Might have to get even more creative on organization as I have to figure out how to fit the rest of my stuff in this small area! Finished picture to come, if I ever get it finished.
I'm also growing tomatoes for the first time ever! My boss gave me 6 plants (Cooper destroyed 1) so I am down to 5, planted them in the topsy-turvy upside planters and HOPE to have lots of yummy tomatoes down the road. My deck looks nice with the hanging baskets, makes me think I should put in more effort with plants and flowers and such! Only time will tell if that will ever happen.
Yesterday I saw a couple hand made signs that made me laugh. As I sat in the truck waiting waiting for Derek at the Storm Lk Grocery, I was glancing at the bulletin board up on the deck and noticed a sign looked funny, so I got out of the truck and sure enough the sign heading (which was hand-written) read "Lawn Work and Lawn Mainenance" So apperantly this guy will come do mainenence on your lawn, whatever the hell that is!
Then later that day as we drove home from a Mother's Day BBQ at Eric/Andreas place, we were on the back roads and as we passed another hand-written sign stapled to a pole, I asked Derek "Did you just read what I think I just read?" We both laughed because the sign heading read "Hand Man".. so I guess if you want to hire a hand man, you can.. not really sure what a hand man does but if you need the # I'll tell ya where to find it!
I just found those to be quite funny.. There are so many people unemployed right now, that the last thing I would do is hire someone that cant take 2 seconds to ensure his signs are spelled properly!!!
This past Wed was our last night of bowling, Derek ended the season on a very high streak and I ended mine badly.. barely able to break 100! Oh well, glad its over for now. Well my brother had called to discuss Mother's Day plans and ended the conversation by telling me that he/Andrea were fostering a Jack Russell. Minutes later I get a picture text from Andrea of a cute little wire haired 14mo female JR! I told her she was evil with the temptations but that we were not wanting to add a 4th dog to our herd! When I mentioned it to Derek, he was very quick and stern with a "NO!"
All I can say is that its a darn good thing that Andrea loves that little Jack Russell girl, cuz the minute Derek saw her, he wanted her! Her name is Cabella (they call her Bella), she is super sweet and cute and LOVES to be held and cuddled.. Derek has a soft spot for those JR girls.. Andrea is 100% sure she is keeping the dog and according to Eric, he is only 25% sure he is keeping her. So we almost could have come home with a 4th dog last night. We, by no means, need another dog, but we just couldnt help but fall for that sweet little girl! Makes me almost want to see if Andrea can hook us up with one of her sister siblings... ;)