He's been getting barn/arena sour is the main issue left in him. Doesnt want to work in the arena, picks areas of the arena he throws fits in, doesnt want to leave the barn area while under saddle, so his training was just amped up a little to accomodate for the latest attitude issues! ;) He has gone up a few times, meaning he is thinking he can rear to get out of doing what he doesnt want to do.. wrong answer! Has he not learned anything the past 7 weeks from Shannon.. lol
Shannon is doing amazing work with him. Funny (well not really) but the damn horse wouldnt even tie when I brought him home.. He pulled so much she had to double halter him and had him in a draft type halter even, just to keep him from breaking it! Now he stands fairly quietly, although he is still getting daily tie up lessons. When I bought him, I never thought he would not be a horse you couldnt tie.. those sellers never mentioned a word about him pulling back, but then again, maybe his life was so cushy down there in OR, he never had reason to pull back!
I'm excited to get him home soon...
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