May 19th was another training day for the retrieval club we belong to.. I had received a phone message asking if I would be willing to help with lunch and I was, so when Anne called back the next day and asked if I would help, I said sure.. not realizing the next words from her would be something like this "Oh great!! Well you can fix whatever you'd like, just let me know if I need to pick up anything at Costco for you..." Well wasnt I suprised that I was not helping with lunch, I was planning it! LOL What a great way to trick someone into doing something they were not sure they wanted to do. BUT it worked out great and I planned sandwhiches for lunch.. I had all the bread, meat, condiments laid out so everyone could make their own, plus I made potato salad and had some watermelon.. It seemed to be a pretty big hit, so I was relieved as it was nothing like the typical hamburgers and hotdogs they normally have.
Since we were able to stay all day, we were able to run Cooper in the water and land retrieves, first starting with water in the morning.
Waiting his turn for water...
It was going to be his 1st attempt at retrieving a bird in water so we were anxious to see how he would do. I was skeptical at the distance he had to go, as he was going to have to cross weeds/grass in his swim and I wasnt sure if he would get side-tracked since he LOVES water so much!
Here's the video link: would say he did GREAT AWESOME SPECTACULAR AMAZING.. we are so proud of our Coopey.. Once again another aspect of his traning has finally started to click and although it took about 9 months to get to this point (post pro-training), atleast we got here!
Look how happy that dog is! :)
He did pretty good on his land retrieves as well in the afternoon.. Here he is waiting his turn behind the blind.
He loves his job and we are excited to get him to his first real test to see if we can get him some points and work towards a "Started" Title!
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