Saturday, June 13, 2009

Facebook Friends

I never thought the internet would be a way that I would reconnect with friends. It is amazing really how the internet has changed my life in some ways. Over a year ago, I had started a myspace page and out of the blue I was contacted by an old friend, who we hadnt seen in probably 6 years! We had lost touch with George & Rachel, whom I've chatted about on here before and their daughter. She contacted me as a blast from the past and we have since rekindled our friendship and enjoy spending weekends together, helping eachother out, camping trips etc... I can honestly say w/o the internet or myspace, I dont know if we would have ever found eachother again.

Then this year I finally gave in to Facebook and started an account there. I have become "friends" with lots of highschool aquantances, good to see their pictures and see how life is treating them. But then I became "friends" with Rachel Nauman whom I used to be friends with and did 4H together, drill team, etc.. We lost touch after high school, however she used to have my sister babysit for her and her friend, so I'd hear about her every now/then. She came to Carrie's funeral but I hadnt seen her in years before that and then not until Facebook had I thought we would really ever connect again. But then we did!

We started chatting on FB a week or so ago and then yesterday we went riding together!! Yippy.. It was really great to be able to go out and have some fun with an old friend that I sincerely hope will continue to be a longtime friend. Again, without the internet it is very unlikely we would have reconnected.

My mom always told me computers were the way to go and encouraged me to go in that direction (I didnt really listen) but she was right in her prediction, if you are in the computer field, you can make some pretty good money. I'm just happy I know enough to use computers daily, be able to work a "blog" page, which is really fun to do and I can open/create accounts online with the tools available to reconnect with people. I've even been able to connect with some family on my dad's side that live out of state that I dont get to talk to often. :)

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