Sunday, July 17, 2011

Who the hell is in my pasture!

A couple weeks ago we had Jen/John over for a BBQ and as we relaxed in the living room, I was looking out into the pasture and noticed something "blue" was out there behind a pile of brush/sticks. I looked at it for a minute, trying to determine if I was just seeing things or what.. About this time the horses started snorting and running around, looking at this same thing.

As I am standing on the porch now, I see movement! The blue is now moving and I see what I think is a face of some sort.. I'm thinking "Who the F is in my pasture!!!" A few more seconds of starring at this moving object, I think I see an owl face.. I throw on the boots and walk out and the closer I get the quicker I realize it is a bundle of mylar balloons! LOLOL

I had wanted to get a picture, there were 3 or 4 mylars and then one regular balloon, the face was a big huge owl balloon, then a blue cake type one, a fire engine one... It was hilarious! The horses were all worked up as I carried the still floating but not enough air to lift themselves back into the sky, back up to the house. How random that some kids 1st birthday balloons from who knows where, end up in my pasture hiding behind some sticks making me believe for a brief second that someone is actually hiding in the pasture.. :)

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