Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Good Dog - BAD DOG!

Derek has been working on retrieves, a few every day with Cooper and he is doing awesome. Showing tons of enthusiasm for it, he wants to get out and work with Derek, it was really great to see him so happy to work yesterday.

We had a club meeting at the house, Wendy brought her dog Patch over to play. All was good, the dogs got along great and after they left, we were winding down watching a little TV when Cooper got up, walked to my chair (which I was not sitting in) sniffed it, then turned towards it and pissed on it! Mother Fucker was marking my damn chair..

Excuse my language but I got red hot, immediately screamed/yelled at him, Derek ran over to him and he proceeded to get thrown outside to poddy and then he sulked in the corner. Wendy's dog at one point had rubbed against my chair, so we are thinking he must have smelt her on the chair and decided he had to put his scent back on the chair.

I absolutely HATE dogs that mark indoors, and I'm not real sure how to get a handle on this and make sure it does not become a problem. It did just happen the 1 time that we know of, and maybe it was a one-time deal, but what if he continues to test his manhood?? Guess I have some research to do online with this situation on how to correct it if it turns into a problem.

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