Monday, December 5, 2011

Leave it to me..

to take on more projects this Christmas Season, than I am prepared to handle! :)

Andrea (my sister-in-law) suggested we could make homemade gifts for our exchange of presents this year. We had already planned to make one thing, and after a couple weeks of ignoring the issue, we quickly had to wrap our heads around the concept. With 1 visit to Ben Franklin, we were quite successful with a few new ideas. I'm also working on that super secret major project, the one that is going to require 100% perfection from the creative section of my brain. I just wish I would come up with these ideas a month or two before December instead of only giving myself a couple weeks to get them all done!

I even gave up riding this past weekend so we could run errands, start on projects, and get our christmas tree (although it is not in the house yet, it sits on the back porch where it scared the shit outta the dogs the first time they realized something "different" was on their porch!) lol My dogs are way too sensitive to change...

I had invited a friend to ride with me this past weekend, we were gonna go out on Sunday, but as the end of Saturday came around, I realized I had accomplished zero of what I needed to in order to be able to ride the next day and there was just not enough time and energy in me to get the horses, tack and trailer ready for a ride! The last time I opened my horse trailer tack door (a month ago), I saw green bridles hanging.. mildew/moisture has taken over some of my leather tack, so in order for me to ride, I have a lot of cleaning to do.

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