Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Busy Life..

Whew... so much going on! The goats are goin to the fairground tonight, very exciting. They actually will be back in the far East end of the fairgrounds where the cows and goats are.

We have been working hard on getting our yard fencing done. Well we are not physically working too hard on it, we are paying my dads employees to do that part, but trying to work out all the logistics of it all is hard work! lol We bought all the material, the lumber company made a $450 error in my favor! sssshhhhhh... After we bought all the material for a 4' horse wire fence, the neighbor came over and wants us to put up a 6' wood privacy fence instead! So we are working with them and they are paying the "over and above" cost of the wire, to put in wood. Which is GREAT!! We really had wanted a wood fence along that entire line all along, but did not want to spend the money, so this works out well for us and for them apparently.

So because of this change though, I had to order up another $200 worth of wood, our part of the deal. Dad's guys should be finishing up with the posts and hopefully stretching the wire today for the part that will be wire. I can't wait for Russell to have a secured yard, I am tired of yelling at him every day to get his butt in the house when all he wants to do is explore and we just cant let him do that yet.

My mom and Debbie decided we were having a BBQ Labor Day Weekend. So I've been working to get the house put together and things hung up. I'm going to call Eric & Andrea and find out if Sun or Mon works better for them. I'm hoping Monday is OK, I'd rather do it that day. Our friends George & Rachel are going to come up for that weekend and spend it with us. It is Rachel's bday and she wanted to go camping, but it worked out better to just stay with us. We are going to get a bulldozer that weekend and Derek and George I'm sure will have a blast doing the manly thing and pushin dirt! lol I'm hoping Rachel and I can maybe get away to a movie or something, leave the guys and Samantha behind for a little girl time :) Or not, whatever she wants.

Samantha (their 7yr daughter) has Derek around her finger. We all laugh about it, he just loves that kid! So do I of course... She saw that I had a marble with my name on it and apparently she collects marbles, she was saying in my car how she sooo wished SHE had a marble with HER name on it! It was quite cute how she was saying it. So I'm going to the fair this year to buy her a marble with her name, hopefully the guy is still there this year. I'll have a tough time holding onto that gift til xmas!

I cant wait for the fence and the bulldozing to be done.. once the dozing is done, we'll have to refence our pasture. Once that is done, all the major expenses should be done finally! Oh and we are putting a roof over our deck. That will cost us about another $400 on top of the $200 in wood we already purchased... aggghhh I'm tired of spending money like we have it to spend!

The horses are still neglected. I'm hoping to maybe get some rides in soon. Many months ago, I volunteered to help with our club prize ride next month, so I really need to get Edgar into some kind of shape so he can handle 2 days of 4+ hours each day riding! :)

Well thats about it for now... I also noticed from my house pics on here that I really need to update pics now that I have started to decorate. It looks more lived in now than the other pics show.
Ta Ta for now!

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