Wednesday, August 11, 2010

passing of a friend..

Derek received a call a week ago, an x-coworker of his that he worked at Heiser with, passed away unexpectedly. David Ridge was a friend... the guys carpooled to work every day and they maintained a relationship even after they had both left Heiser in the dust... His wife Emily used to make these DELICIOUS banana roll-up things, she'd make them fresh so when Derek dropped off David after work, she'd hand him the still hot out of the oven platefull and then Derek would drive over to my work (5 minutes from their house) and pick me up to head home. We'd munch those things down before we even got in the car!

We are not sure David's exact age, but we are guessing he was only about 26 or 27 and apparently he died of a Heart Attack :( He was playing basketball with his buddies when it happened. His memorial service will be at their home on Saturday, we will definately plan to go and pay our respects to his wife and the family. They had 5 children.. it was a tough weekend for Derek, he lost the last connection he felt to my uncle Dave when he lost little David. Uncle Dave mentored Derek at Heiser and Derek passed that down and mentored little David.. We are not sure if he had an unknown heart condition that caused his way-too-early passing, we just know it is hard to accept things like that happen to such young friends with so much life ahead of them left to live.. really touches home and makes you think about your own life and what you should be doing to take advantage of every day.

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