Thursday, April 5, 2012

Another Embarassing Moment..

This past Saturday night was our Hunt Retrieval Club's banquet Potluck in Monroe... Derek and I are still pretty new so I still feel a bit uncomfortable at these events.. Everyone is very nice and social, but I tend to get a bit introverted.. Is that the right word? I dont insert myself into conversations well, so I stand back a bit..

Anyways, while we are eating dinner, about 12 people are sitting in a big circle and then about 8 of us are sitting around a table. I was sitting in a wood chair, not a great chair, but it felt sturdy. I tend to wiggle myself just a little when I first sit in chairs like this, get a good feel for leg wobbly-ness! This chair felt just fine. About 20 minutes or so into dinner, most of us have finished eating, we are just bs'ing.

Well I hear a loud CRACK! Oh SHIT.... yep, heard and felt the chair break and in slow motion form, I went from sitting to flat on my back with a crumpled chair under me! I was MORTIFIED!!! OMG, I cant believe the damn chair just snapped under me. Well I guess I can believe it, its not like I'm a spring chicken... I got up and the chair seat had just split right in half. I was sooooo embarassed, I'm sure I was bright red and of course everyone had quit talking and was staring at me... I will now be remembered not as Piper, not as Dereks' wife or as Coopers mom, but as the girl that broke the f*ing chair!!

Oh and I was just fine physically... Derek says "I heard the crack, why didnt you just get up real quick?" Yeah, cuz its real easy to get up when the chair has snapped and is dropped out from under you, yep real easy to jump straight up in the moment as your momentum is already falling.. LOL So much for staying in the background that night..

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