Tuesday, June 19, 2012


We are trying very hard to not get frustrated, but it has not been easy! Ever since that hunt test, Cooper is really struggling with picking up birds.. We are not sure if it was the stress of Saturday that was put on him unknowingly or if he is just being stubborn and defiant or if he has just realized he hates the taste, texture, smell of ducks! Not knowing is not easy.

My guess is that the stress did not help and he has realized he doesnt love to pick up birds. I am worried we are working him too much with birds now and he is reverting back to his training memories. That is the LAST thing I want to do, is bring back bad memories because he is sensitive. Or is it that we saw him traumatized at one time, so we dont push him like we should?

Either way, I think its time to seek some professional advice. We are not willing to just put him in training, but mabye an outsider can provide some guidance for us as we try to navigate through this problem. Since he retrieves much better in water, for now we are going to only work him in water. Plus he LOVES to swim, so its a bonus and he always picks up the bird in the water.. He doesnt always bring it all the way out of the water, but its usually within easy reach.

We have him entered in a hunt test this weekend, I actually would like to drop him out of it, but Derek does not agree. I am worried he is not ready and why waste the time and money to fail. I personally think once it all clicks for Cooper, the exposure of going to new places etc will not even be an issue because he'll be so happy to be doing it. I am thinking that because we are working him daily at this point, it's just too much and we need to work with baby steps instead of setting him up to fail. We've had opinions cast at us from both sides.. some agree with Derek, some agree with me.

I do see in Cooper though his willingness to shut down if we try too hard to force the issue. Some opinions to us have been that he needs to redo his "force fetch" program, but thats exactly what it is... Force! You force the dog to pick up & hold something until you tell him to let go. Its an issue of obedience in the eyes of many. But I dont want to force him to do anything (although when I reach my highest frustration levels, I feel like shoving that damn bird down his throat)! :) He should WANT to do this and should do it because he loves us and loves all the positive attention he gets. It is not the fastest route to go, it definately is the more frustrating route but I dont see any other options that Cooper will respond to. Maybe the local trainer will have some better ideas...

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