Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I think it's time to admit it...

that it is very likely that Derek's saddle does not fit his horse! :( :(

Oakley unfortunately has developed white hairs on his withers, both sides... I am just sick about it because they will never go away at this point, they are noticeable AND it means we have to start this process of saddle searching which sucks! Part of me wants to believe that maybe Derek's saddle fits fine and it is my saddle and my weight that doesnt work on Oakley. I think we'll have to go out for another trail ride with Derek in his own saddle and see how the sweat marks appear after the ride, if his shoulders are dry, we are gonna have to get a new saddle.

I know Derek does NOT want to hear that, he loves his saddle, but it is incredibly embarassing to have our 5yr old horse with white scarring on him. I may have Derek try our other saddles on Oakley as well, he'll hate that (they are not padded!) but we can always buy him a gel pad to put on his seat. Bummer.. I am just bummed today

On the flip side, I am very happy to have my boys back home!!!! They'll be home for a week or so, until the grass dissappears again. I went out this morning and sat on the deck, watching them eat.. just because! :)

Flip back to the bad side of things.. Edgar is limping again! Nothing major actually, I felt it when I rode him about 10 days ago and can see it when he trots. Remember when I rode with my cousin Shana a couple weeks ago, well Edgar had pulled back while tied to the trailer (he had a blonde moment!) and after he did that, he was limping but we rode anyways and he loosened up, so I know he strained one of his back legs that day and he's still a little off from that. This is just NOT his year!!! I will ride him though, it is minor and it's not like I'm out riding all the time right now anyways, it's too Blazin HOT!! ;)

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