Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Naughty-Bits B-Gone

A few weeks ago I heard about a castration clinic that was going to be held about 15 minutes from my house on 6/4/11, for a cost of $50.. I had already had Dexter scheduled for this procedure with my regular vet in July, but figured why not send in an application and try to get him in to this clinic instead.. save myself about $250! Well a couple weeks went by and I was sure I didnt get in as it was 5 days before the clinic and I had not heard back yet.

But what do ya know.. 4 days before the clinic I get the email that I was accepted! It sounded like they had a lot of applications come through and I'm not 100% sure what their criteria was, but apparently we qualified! Derek & I hauled him in Saturday morning to the clinic arena, he was NOT happy about the pre-shots he was given and he had to be given extra sedatives because he was fiestier than she had hoped. Once he got the last "knock-out" drugs in him though, he went down immediately and we were able to watch the entire surgery.. It was interesting and Derek even watched the whole thing. His bits were unimpressive (little) and one side was "sucked up" a little ways, so she had to work a little harder to ensure she got it all; 15 minutes later, he was done.

I was told to bute him if need be and clean it every 1-2 days, as well as two 20 minutes workouts every day to help with swelling and keeping it open to drain and healing properly from the inside out. Poor guy, he was hurtin pretty bad Saturday night, really didnt want to move much. Sunday he was doing much better, he got some excersize, showed a little stiffness in his hind end. I was able to actually hose his back legs on Sunday, something I had never done before, but they needed to be cleaned up. He danced around me some, but took to it very quickly with little fight; I was really happy with him. I am not supposed to hose his naughty bit region though but his legs did get cleaned.

Monday we took him down the road for the first time, for his 20 minute walk and he was great. Derek led Edgar incase Dexter needed the moral support of how he should behave! He did fairly well, I would stop him and make him face the cars as they passed by and he had minimal spooking. What really spooked him the most was the kid on the bicycle who rode quietly by! :) I also worked him on not walking past me so as to avoid him trying to run me over or push through me if he spooked.. I would walk 10 or more steps, then stop and expected him to stop with me. He again, picked that up so quickly!

There was an older guy at the clinic with a 2yr old colt that was to be gelded after Dexter. The guy was talking with me, trying to give me advice on how to deal with Dexter when I got home etc.. I didnt ask for the advice, but I wasnt going to be rude, I tried to tell him I had been through this a few times in the past but he still was insistent on letting me know that when I got home and over the next few days, Dexter would be unwilling to want to move for his twice daily excersize sessions.. He told me what he has done and I should do, is tie Dexter to the bumper of my truck and drive! That will get him moving!!! And this guy was 100% serious.. I just nodded and smiled, internally thinking WTF! Old School Old Man! Just an FYI, Dexter actually is more than willing to excersize, this morning I couldnt keep him at a walk, he was trotting and loping circles around me.. :)

When I got home last night from our walk around the neighborhood, I knew I needed to attempt to clean him up and scrub the surgery area. Tied him in his stall, put the wet rag up to his belly and just ran my hand back to his non-naughty bit region and he took it like a man! Never once did he attempt to kick, he actually spread his legs open when I was scrubbing behind his tail where he had dried blood. I was able to get both sides, cleaned the "wound" area really well and put a fly repellant ointment on it. I was smiling ear to ear, just so very proud of him!! 3 days ago you couldnt touch that region without him kicking out (even under sedation) and now I am able to clean an open wound. Wow! Progress!!

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