Friday, April 23, 2010

Funny Story

The other day on the radio, they had asked listeners to call in and indicate what they had maybe posted on FB that they regretted and could not take back before it was too late.. Some funny stories called in, but it got me thinking about my funny story that happened long before FB!

It was my first "real" job, working for the Snohomish School District. I had just graduated HS, Derek & I were still new in our relationship by maybe a month or so and all was going great. The department I worked for had I believe 5 other ladies working in it, the room was actually my old 6 grade classroom as the District Building was the original Central Elementary School.

All the ladies were off at a meeting, so I was the only one in the room and either I had finished my projects or I was bored or maybe I was just slacking! But I went to one of the computers and typed up a letter to Derek.. It was a letter stating my 'feelings' after our first 5 or 6 "times"! I was a sentimental 17yr old at the time, I wanted to let him know what each time meant to me, because he was my 1st. So it was a big deal...

Well I finished up my little letter and hit print.. I sat staring at the printer! And I continued to stare at the printer.. and then I just kept staring at it.. wondering where the HELL was my letter! The computer said it printed. I went to reprint and it was only then that I realized there were MULTIPLE printers connected to that computer! This was way back in the day, OMG 19 years ago and I didnt know much about network printers. I knew at that moment my letter went to some other printer in another department of the district building and I had NO way to get it or even figure out where it went.. So I retreated to my desk and hoped with all my might that it went into some cyber world..

I dont recall if it was that day or the next, I'm pretty sure it was the next day, my boss Eleanor called me into her office.. SHIT! I was on the verge of crying, literally. I was so embarrassed, I knew exactly what I was going in there for. She set the letter on the desk and asked if it was mine? See, I had not signed it but there was no mistaking that a teenager typed this letter. I fessed up of course and said I had done it on a break and when I hit print, I didnt realize it was going to another printer besides the one next to the computer. They handed me my letter and asked me to keep from typing out these types of things at work.

I am sure I cried many times over that, I was mortified! I could hardly drag myself back to work. I am pretty certain even though my boss was fairly firm, straight faced and to the point, she was giggling inside at me. And not sure if she told the entire office or other deparments but it felt like everyone knew and were laughing quite histerically at me, heck I would! I can laugh about it now, but it has got to be one of my most embarrassing moments in my life!

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