Thursday, October 28, 2010


I forgot to mention, a couple weeks ago when I brought the horses home, I noticed Edgar had hundreds of bumps all over his body.. they didnt seem sore to him, they were just everywhere from his neck to his tail, with the majority on his rump. I called my vet to get her opinion but she was out of town, I thought maybe he had some sort of reaction to mosquito bites, but even that didnt really make sense.

The bumps all started to scab over, it definately hurt him to pick at the scabs. The shoer came out this past weekend and he immediately said "Bees!" They start as bumps, then scab over, then the scabs come off and you are left with a little bald patch of hair. He said this time of year, the bees get pretty aggressive and irritated and may have been hunkered down in a tree he rubbed against or just passing through his pasture when they hit him. Poor guy, he has hundreds :( I can only imagine he must have been running around bucking, no wonder his leg is taking so long to heal up from being lame. I just feel bad that he had to endure that.

1 comment:

trailrider said...

I think Edgar had protein bumps